Radiation to the heart corrects arrhythmia by reactivating younger state

Scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine have made an intriguing discovery that could see radiation therapy become a less invasive treatment for heart arrhythmia. The technique seems to activate the heart cells to revert to a younger … Continue reading Radiation to the heart corrects arrhythmia by reactivating younger state

Low-dose radiation heats up “cold” tumors for easier targeting

There are many reasons different cancer treatments don’t have the intended consequences and the disease is able to prosper despite our best efforts. One example is a tumor that contains barely any immune cells, which renders immunotherapy cancer treatm… Continue reading Low-dose radiation heats up “cold” tumors for easier targeting

Radiation could restrict crewed Mars missions to less than four years

An international team of scientists has calculated that a crewed mission to Mars should only last a maximum of four years if the astronauts’ health isn’t to be endangered by prolonged exposure to cosmic radiation.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, Scienc… Continue reading Radiation could restrict crewed Mars missions to less than four years

Novel nanoparticles react to radiotherapy to kill cancer from within

Radiation therapy is currently one of the best treatments we have against cancer, but it could benefit from being more targeted to spare healthy cells. Now, researchers in Japan have developed nanoparticles that can penetrate tumors and kill them from … Continue reading Novel nanoparticles react to radiotherapy to kill cancer from within

Gamma rays 10 times more energetic than thought possible detected

Astronomers have detected the highest-energy light ever seen, streaming in from near the center of the Milky Way. Hundreds of gamma ray signals were detected with ultra-high energies, with the most powerful signals crossing the Peta-electronvolt (PeV) … Continue reading Gamma rays 10 times more energetic than thought possible detected

Hibernating zebrafish offer lessons for healthy human spaceflight

Getting humans safely to a place like Mars is going to pose all kinds of scientific challenges, and a particularly pressing one centers on the rather important issue of human health. Astronauts enduring long-periods in space may be in danger of changes… Continue reading Hibernating zebrafish offer lessons for healthy human spaceflight

Small pilot study claims low-dose radiation may treat severe Alzheimer’s

The idea low-dose radiation can be a treatment for Alzheimer's disease is still controversial with little clinical evidence backing it up

A compelling pilot study has found several treatments of low-dose radiation, delivered from a CT scanner, could increase alertness and responsiveness in people suffering severe late-stage Alzheimer’s disease. The research is still preliminary but there are several larger clinical trials currently underway investigating radiation as a treatment for Alzheimer’s.

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Powerful protostars may not be responsible for ending their own growth

Fresh research has cast doubt on the theory that energetic outbursts from young stars blows away the cocoon of gas from which they formed, which in turn prevents them from growing any further. The Milky Way plays host to over 200 billion stars, the ear… Continue reading Powerful protostars may not be responsible for ending their own growth