Retrogadgets: Oscilloscope Cameras

Today, if you want to get a picture from your oscilloscope — maybe to send to a collaborator or to stick in a document or blog post — it is …read more Continue reading Retrogadgets: Oscilloscope Cameras
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Today, if you want to get a picture from your oscilloscope — maybe to send to a collaborator or to stick in a document or blog post — it is …read more Continue reading Retrogadgets: Oscilloscope Cameras
It’s 40 years since the first Lomo camera went into production, a Russian copy of the Japanese point-and-shoot Cosina CX-2. Within a decade, that film camera, known for its light sensitivity, zone focus and strong pocket-sized case, had been discovered… Continue reading “Best instant camera on Earth” shows style evolution from its Cold War roots
In the same way that a doctor often needs to take a non-destructive look inside a patient to diagnose a problem, those who seek to reverse engineer electronic systems can …read more Continue reading Reviving a Sensorless X-Ray Cabinet with Analog Film
Sadly not in time for the holidays, but perhaps a treat for the new year – a project out of the Lego Ideas fan platform is about to bring the iconic OneStep SX-70 instant camera back to life through a 516-brick set.Continue ReadingCategory: Children, L… Continue reading Lego pays homage to a 70s classic, the Polaroid OneStep SX-70 instant
Instant photography was one of the twentieth century’s coolest-to-have consumer inventions, but when the digital photography revolution came it had few answers. It survives as a niche format thanks to …read more Continue reading You Can Now Build Your Own Polaroid-style Pack Film Cartridge
These days, it’s possible to buy a number of different Polaroid instant cameras new off the shelf. That’s largely thanks to the retro resurgence that has buoyed interest in everything …read more Continue reading Converting a Polaroid SX70 Camera To Use 600 Film
Though many of us will have an instant camera with us pretty much all of the time in the shape of a smartphone, printing out snaps can be a hassle. Polaroid cameras have a built in printer, and the company is going premium for its latest model – the I-… Continue reading Polaroid goes premium with $600 I-2 instant film camera
For those who didn’t experience it, it’s difficult to overstate the cultural impact of the Polaroid camera. In an era where instant gratification is ubiquitous, it’s easy to forget that …read more Continue reading Polaroid Develops Its Pictures Remotely
There once was a time when all but the most basic of fixed focus and aperture cameras gave the photographer full control over both shutter speed and f-stop. This allowed …read more Continue reading A Vintage Polaroid Camera Goes Manual
Browsing the thrift stores will net an amazing array of old cameras for dirt cheap prices, meaning that a film enthusiast can have plenty of fun without wasting money they …read more Continue reading Veteran Polaroid Camera Lives Again, With Film Conversion