DNA “time capsule” extracted from 2,900-year-old brick

Time capsules are a fun way to get a glimpse into everyday life in the past, and now scientists have opened one from almost 3,000 years ago. The team successfully extracted DNA from inside an ancient clay brick, revealing a variety of plants from the a… Continue reading DNA “time capsule” extracted from 2,900-year-old brick

Plant-based filter removes up to 99.9% of microplastics from water

Researchers may have found an effective, green way to remove microplastics from our water using readily available plant materials. Their device was found to capture up to 99.9% of a wide variety of microplastics known to pose a health risk to humans.Co… Continue reading Plant-based filter removes up to 99.9% of microplastics from water

Maize crops shown to improve wheat yields, by boosting soil microbes

Farmers have long known that it’s a good idea to rotate crops, and that concept is now getting a new spin. A Swiss study indicates that wheat yields are boosted when those crops are planted in fields previously used to grow maize, which altered the soi… Continue reading Maize crops shown to improve wheat yields, by boosting soil microbes

This plant may be a surprise hero in our fight against fungal pathogens

While water lilies are perhaps most famous for starring in French impressionist artist Claude Monet’s work, they may also have a molecular secret weapon that could help in our ongoing fight against fungal infections.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, S… Continue reading This plant may be a surprise hero in our fight against fungal pathogens

Hydrangea compound inhibits buildup of Alzheimer’s-associated protein

Researchers have found that a substance found in hydrangea leaves may be an effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease

A new study has found that a substance extracted from the leaves of the hydrangea plant could be an effective treatment against the protein plaques that are thought to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

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CRISPR tweaks tree genetics to make paper more suastainably

Conventional breeding of trees takes time, but CRISPR gene editing should help speed things up. Now, scientists at North Carolina State University have used CRISPR to adjust the genomes of poplar trees to make them easier to turn into paper products.Co… Continue reading CRISPR tweaks tree genetics to make paper more suastainably

Plant extract found to stabilize blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics

Researchers have discovered a plant extract that targets the glucose-regulating regions of the brain that are inflamed in type 2 diabetics, improving blood glucose levels. The findings open the door to a novel, natural treatment for the disease.Continu… Continue reading Plant extract found to stabilize blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics

PATS tech calls in drone strikes on greenhouse pests

Just like their field-dwelling counterparts, plants grown in greenhouses are preyed upon by flying insects. The Dutch-designed PATS system is designed to help, by sending tiny drones to chop those insects up in mid-air.Continue ReadingCategory: Drones,… Continue reading PATS tech calls in drone strikes on greenhouse pests

Transgenic soybeans could replace pork, by producing pig proteins

Great strides are being made in the field of lab-grown meat, but its price remains a barrier to wide commercial use. British startup Moolec has created what it claims is a less costly alternative, in the form of soya plants that produce pig-protein-ric… Continue reading Transgenic soybeans could replace pork, by producing pig proteins