Photosynthetic printing material gets stronger with exposure to light

As a seedling matures into a tree, its trunk and branches become stiffer and stronger. Scientists have now replicated this effect in a photosynthesis-assisted 3D-printing ink, made partially from spinach.Continue ReadingCategory: 3D Printing, Technolog… Continue reading Photosynthetic printing material gets stronger with exposure to light

Pesticide alternative coats crops to hide them from insects

While pest insects can have a devastating effect on crops, pesticides can likewise cause a great deal of damage to the environment. That’s where CropCoat comes in, as it’s designed not to kill harmful insects, but to “hide” plants from them instead.Con… Continue reading Pesticide alternative coats crops to hide them from insects

Contents of ancient Maya drug vessels revealed by new analytic method

New research, led by anthropologists from Washington State University (WSU), has deployed a novel analytical technique to reveal undiscovered compounds in an ancient Maya drug container previously thought to only be used for tobacco. As well as demonst… Continue reading Contents of ancient Maya drug vessels revealed by new analytic method

Immunity-boosting silica nanoparticles could replace pesticides

Pesticides may indeed kill plant pathogens, but they’re also harmful to the environment. Newly developed nanoparticles may provide a more eco-friendly alternative, as they boost the immune systems of crop plants, then harmlessly dissolve.Continue Readi… Continue reading Immunity-boosting silica nanoparticles could replace pesticides

Plant-assessing leaf-clip sensor could be a big help to farmers

If crop plants aren’t receiving enough nutrients, they’ll typically have lower-than-normal nitrogen levels. A portable new device could allow farmers to check those levels on the spot, so they can start addressing the problem as soon as possible.Contin… Continue reading Plant-assessing leaf-clip sensor could be a big help to farmers

Tomatoes engineered to produce vital Parkinson’s disease medicine

A tomato engineered to produced L-DOPA, a drug used to treat Parkinson's disease

Scientists have genetically modified a tomato to produce L-DOPA, a drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease. The researchers suggest this innovation could be an easier and cheaper way to produce the essential medicine in regions where access to the synthesized pharmaceutical is restricted.

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Respira’s Smart Garden: Dawn of the six-hundred-dollar pot plant

Some people, and I count myself among them, are so scatterbrained and disorganized that they should never be put in charge of another living being. It’s too late for my children – poor souls, wherever I left them – but technology is here to save your i… Continue reading Respira’s Smart Garden: Dawn of the six-hundred-dollar pot plant

Tree microbes could help crops draw phosphorous from fertilized soil

Agricultural fertilizers typically contain phosphorous, as it’s essential to growing plants. Unfortunately, though, it can become “locked” in the soil, and thus not available to crops. That said, it turns out that the addition of a microbe could unlock… Continue reading Tree microbes could help crops draw phosphorous from fertilized soil

Earthworm-inspired robots may be coming to a farm near you

If you want to know the local soil conditions, it would be great if you could just ask an earthworm. Given that that’s an impossibility, though, scientists are now working on the next-best thing – earthworm-inspired soil-analyzing agricultural robots.C… Continue reading Earthworm-inspired robots may be coming to a farm near you