LG’s smart indoor gardening system offers growers year-round veggies

We’ve seen a good many indoor growing systems over the years, aimed at supplying users who perhaps don’t have an outdoor garden with a steady supply of greens throughout the year. Many of these have been Kickstarters, but now LG is looking to get in on… Continue reading LG’s smart indoor gardening system offers growers year-round veggies

Greeneye herbicide tech selectively sprays weeds only

Not only are herbicides harmful to the environment, but they’re also one more expense for the farmers who use them. That’s where the Greeneye selective spraying system comes in, as it’s claimed to only dispense herbicide when weeds are detected.Continu… Continue reading Greeneye herbicide tech selectively sprays weeds only

AMU-Bot robot kills weeds as it makes its way through crops

While manually hoeing weeds out of crops can be very time- and labor-intensive, spraying those crops with herbicides is definitely not eco-friendly. A German consortium is developing a third choice, in the form of the AMU-Bot weed-killing robot.Continu… Continue reading AMU-Bot robot kills weeds as it makes its way through crops

Grover robot does the heavy lifting in high-tech greenhouses

With large high-tech sustainable farming facilities located in Northern California and Texas, Silicon Valley-based startup Iron Ox relies heavily on robots to help shoulder the workload. The company’s latest bot, named Grover, can lift over 1,000 lb (4… Continue reading Grover robot does the heavy lifting in high-tech greenhouses

Ancient Australian plant promises to expand chemotherapy effectiveness

Researchers have isolated a compound from an Australian desert shrub with a long history of medicinal use by the Indigenous peoples of Australia that could help cancer patients better respond to chemotherapy.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTa… Continue reading Ancient Australian plant promises to expand chemotherapy effectiveness

Biodegradable take on velcro latches on like a parasitic climbing plant

Scientists at the Italian Institute of Technology have developed what they describe as the first biodegradable version of Velcro. While it won’t keep your shoes on, the material can be harmlessly attached to plants for the purposes of environmental mon… Continue reading Biodegradable take on velcro latches on like a parasitic climbing plant

Modified plants designed to save crops by producing insect pheromones

Although pest insects may decimate crops, the use of traditional pesticides can definitely harm the environment. Spanish scientists have now developed a possible alternative to those chemicals, in the form of plants that produce insect-confusing pherom… Continue reading Modified plants designed to save crops by producing insect pheromones

Sweat-analyzing sensor copies the cactus to gather more liquid

When it comes to detecting biomarker chemicals in a person’s body, sweat-analyzing sensors offer a less painful alternative to blood sampling. A new wearable sensor takes a unique approach to collecting that sweat, by mimicking cactus needles.Continue … Continue reading Sweat-analyzing sensor copies the cactus to gather more liquid

Traditional Samoan plant rivals anti-inflammatory effects of ibuprofen

Researchers have identified the anti-inflammatory mechanism behind a plant used for centuries in traditional Samoan medicine. The new study found the plant, known as matalafi, is as effective at reducing inflammation as ibuprofen.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Traditional Samoan plant rivals anti-inflammatory effects of ibuprofen