Dark matter: What is it, how do we know it’s there and will we find it?

It sounds like science fiction to say there’s invisible, undetectable stuff all around us, and it doesn’t help that it has the spooky name of dark matter. But there’s plenty of evidence that this material is very real. So what exactly is dark matter? H… Continue reading Dark matter: What is it, how do we know it’s there and will we find it?

Evidence of universe’s oldest state of matter lurking inside neutron stars

Astrophysicists have found evidence of a strange substance called quark matter at the heart of compact stars. Combining recent theoretical calculations with measurements of gravitational waves from neutron star collisions, the researchers found that th… Continue reading Evidence of universe’s oldest state of matter lurking inside neutron stars

Whirling, glassy magnets found to be new state of matter

Most of us are familiar with the four classical states of matter – solid, liquid, gas and plasma – but there’s a whole world of exotic states out there. Now, physicists at Radboud and Uppsala Universities have identified a new one named “self-induced s… Continue reading Whirling, glassy magnets found to be new state of matter

One mystery solves another: Fast radio bursts detect missing matter

Only about five percent of the content of the universe is made up of regular (or baryonic) matter – and we still don’t know where most of that is. Now, an international team of astronomers has developed a creative new method to detect this missing matt… Continue reading One mystery solves another: Fast radio bursts detect missing matter

Higgs boson examined as source of dark matter at the LHC

It’s been calculated that dark matter is around five times more common than regular matter – and yet, we still haven’t directly detected it. Many different types of experiments are trying to find it, and now CERN has joined the hunt, testing whether th… Continue reading Higgs boson examined as source of dark matter at the LHC

Hypothetical particle explains three major mysteries of the universe

The Standard Model of particle physics does a decent enough job of explaining the universe, but it still has some holes in it. Now, a new study outlines how one hypothetical particle, the axion, may be the answer to three separate, massive mysteries of… Continue reading Hypothetical particle explains three major mysteries of the universe

New candidate particle for dark matter is one we’ve already found

Dark matter is believed to outnumber regular matter by a ratio of five-to-one, but so far it’s never been directly detected. Now, nuclear physicists at the University of York have proposed a new candidate particle that might make up the strange stuff –… Continue reading New candidate particle for dark matter is one we’ve already found

Yale simulations probe the unstable recipe behind "intergalactic pancakes"

Galaxies are well studied, but far less is known about the vast stretches of space between them. Though it seems empty, the intergalactic medium (IGM) actually contains more matter than galaxies do – it’s just hard to see because it’s not shi… Continue reading Yale simulations probe the unstable recipe behind "intergalactic pancakes"

CERN searches for "dark photons," light's hypothetical cousin that could unlock dark matter

CERN experiments have been unable to detect dark photons

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that seems to permeate the universe, but detecting it is tricky on account of it not interacting with regular matter very often. Scientists have a list of particles that they’re working through as possible suspects, and now that list is a little shorter. Experiments at CERN have ruled out some types of dark photons, inching us closer to finding the elusive dark matter.

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Category: Physics


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Mysterious galaxy's missing dark matter may have been found

The ultra-diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2 was previously thought to contain very little dark matter – but a ...

Dark matter is the mysterious substance that’s believed to permeate the universe, outweighing regular matter by a ratio of five to one. It’s thought to play a central role in the formation of galaxies, which made the discovery last year of a galaxy with no dark matter quite surprising. But now, astronomers have examined the oddball galaxy a bit closer – and found that it’s not so special after all.

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Category: Space


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