Bizarre new form of ice might be “true glassy state” of water

Ice and water might not seem very exciting to most of us, but they’re actually super strange from a scientific standpoint. Researchers have now discovered a brand new type of ice that’s described as being a true “snapshot” of water, and may be found on… Continue reading Bizarre new form of ice might be “true glassy state” of water

Bizarre new form of ice might be “true glassy state” of water

Ice and water might not seem very exciting to most of us, but they’re actually super strange from a scientific standpoint. Researchers have now discovered a brand new type of ice that’s described as being a true “snapshot” of water, and may be found on… Continue reading Bizarre new form of ice might be “true glassy state” of water

“Robot” made of shape-shifting matter liquefies to escape jail

Researchers have created a new class of robots that can shift between solid and liquid forms on demand. In a series of tests, these new bots could move and change shape to run obstacle courses, carry objects, or even escape from a jail cell like a Term… Continue reading “Robot” made of shape-shifting matter liquefies to escape jail

Fast radio burst reveals the Milky Way is emptier than we thought

The intriguing cosmic mystery of fast radio bursts (FRBs) has now shed light (pun intended) on another mystery. By studying the signature of an FRB from a nearby galaxy, astronomers have found that the Milky Way has far less matter than expected.Contin… Continue reading Fast radio burst reveals the Milky Way is emptier than we thought

The end of everything: 5 ways the universe could be destroyed

Everything has to end eventually – but does that include the universe itself? And if so, how? And when? It might be hard to imagine a catastrophe big enough to affect the entirety of existence, but physicists do expect it all to end at some point – and… Continue reading The end of everything: 5 ways the universe could be destroyed

Arlo Technologies partners with Matter to provide home security solutions for customers

Arlo Technologies announced its support for Matter, a connectivity standard built around a shared belief that smart home devices should be seamlessly interoperable, secure and reliable. Arlo is joining industry leaders to participate in the development… Continue reading Arlo Technologies partners with Matter to provide home security solutions for customers

Harvard scientists observe new state of matter, a quantum spin liquid

An exotic state of matter originally hypothesized almost 50 years ago has been observed for the first time. Created by Harvard researchers, this material called quantum spin liquid could eventually help improve quantum computers.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Harvard scientists observe new state of matter, a quantum spin liquid

Time crystals created in Google’s quantum processor

Time crystals sound like something a video game character would be trying to collect, but this bizarre phase of matter is very real – and now one of them has been created in Google’s quantum processor, Sycamore.Continue ReadingCategory: Physics, Scienc… Continue reading Time crystals created in Google’s quantum processor

“Electron family” state of matter hints at new type of superconductivity

Superconductivity occurs when electrons in a metal pair up and move through the material without resistance. But there may be more to the story than we thought, as scientists in Germany have now discovered that electrons can also group together into fa… Continue reading “Electron family” state of matter hints at new type of superconductivity

The antimatter enigma: What is it and why didn’t it destroy the universe?

It sounds like sci-fi: normal matter has an “evil twin” that annihilates as soon as the two come into contact. But this antimatter is very real, and despite decades of study it remains very mysterious. So what actually is antimatter? Where is it? Why i… Continue reading The antimatter enigma: What is it and why didn’t it destroy the universe?