Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

Randomization may seem simple, but there’s basically no such thing in classical physics – pretty much everything could be theoretically predicted if you had enough information. For true randomization you need to turn to the spooky world of quantum phys… Continue reading Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

Randomization may seem simple, but there’s basically no such thing in classical physics – pretty much everything could be theoretically predicted if you had enough information. For true randomization you need to turn to the spooky world of quantum phys… Continue reading Diamond laser taps into spooky quantum world for true randomization

World-first gene therapy reverses Alzheimer’s memory loss in mice

Research into Alzheimer's-related memory loss has uncovered an exciting new breakthrough in the form of a world-first gene therapy

Scientists in Australia have made an exciting breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research, demonstrating what they describe as the first gene-therapy-based approach for treating advanced forms of the disease. Through experiments in mice, the team was able to show how activating a key enzyme in the brain can prevent the kind of memory loss associated with advanced forms of Alzheimer’s, and even reverse it.

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One mystery solves another: Fast radio bursts detect missing matter

Only about five percent of the content of the universe is made up of regular (or baryonic) matter – and we still don’t know where most of that is. Now, an international team of astronomers has developed a creative new method to detect this missing matt… Continue reading One mystery solves another: Fast radio bursts detect missing matter

Hypothetical "ploonets" would blur the lines between planets and moons

You know what planets are. You’re familiar with moons. But what do you get when you cross the two? “Ploonets,” according to astronomers from Australia and Colombia. These weird, hypothetical objects start life as a moon circling a giant plane… Continue reading Hypothetical "ploonets" would blur the lines between planets and moons

Diamonds found to be made mostly of the seafloor, pressure-cooked to perfection

When Old Rose dropped the diamond necklace into the ocean at the end of Titanic, it turns out she was probably just returning it to where it originally came from. Researchers in Australia and Germany have found that many diamonds begin life a… Continue reading Diamonds found to be made mostly of the seafloor, pressure-cooked to perfection