Ultra-white ceramic cools buildings with record-high 99.6% reflectivity

Scientists in Hong Kong have demonstrated a new ultra-white ceramic material that can drastically cool buildings by reflecting sunlight and heat at record highs. The beetle-inspired material gets its ability from its nanostructure, stays tough to the e… Continue reading Ultra-white ceramic cools buildings with record-high 99.6% reflectivity

Water can evaporate with just light, no heat, says surprising study

Contrary to what we all learned in elementary school science class, it turns out that heat may not be necessary to make water evaporate. Scientists at MIT have made the surprising discovery that light alone can evaporate water, and is even more efficie… Continue reading Water can evaporate with just light, no heat, says surprising study

LIGO squeezes light to surpass quantum limit measuring spacetime ripples

Gravitational wave facilities measure distortions in the fabric of spacetime down to 10 quadrillionths the width of a hair – small enough to hear interference from particles popping in and out of existence. Now the LIGO facility has pushed beyond this … Continue reading LIGO squeezes light to surpass quantum limit measuring spacetime ripples

“Pseudogravity” in crystals can bend light like black holes

Scientists in Japan have managed to manipulate light as though it was being influenced by gravity. By carefully distorting a photonic crystal, the team was able to invoke “pseudogravity” to bend a beam of light, which could have useful applications in … Continue reading “Pseudogravity” in crystals can bend light like black holes

Exposure to light at night found to increase risk of depression by 30%

A new study has found that exposure to light at night messes with our internal body clock, increasing the risk of mental illness, while daytime light exposure reduces that risk. The findings offer a simple and effective, non-pharmacological means of im… Continue reading Exposure to light at night found to increase risk of depression by 30%

Mysterious explosion from empty region of space puzzles astronomers

It feels like every time astronomers get a handle on a cosmic phenomenon, a new one pops up that sends them back to the drawing board. Case in point – Hubble has spotted a strange burst of light in a region of space where there didn’t seem to be a trig… Continue reading Mysterious explosion from empty region of space puzzles astronomers

“Invisible grating” bends laser using just air and sound

Guiding lasers where they need to go is a key part of optics systems, and now engineers at DESY have developed a way to bend laser beams without anything touching them. The light is deflected using an invisible grating made of air shaped by acoustics.C… Continue reading “Invisible grating” bends laser using just air and sound

Sun salute: Natural light a surprise ally in fighting diabetes, obesity

Lifestyle interventions to treat or prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity are not necessarily the easiest changes to make. However, one study has found that adding a prescribed period of natural light to your day could significantly improve health marker… Continue reading Sun salute: Natural light a surprise ally in fighting diabetes, obesity

Sun salute: Natural light a surprise ally in fighting diabetes, obesity

Lifestyle interventions to treat or prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity are not necessarily the easiest changes to make. However, one study has found that adding a prescribed period of natural light to your day could significantly improve health marker… Continue reading Sun salute: Natural light a surprise ally in fighting diabetes, obesity

New imaging reveals colossal cosmic web lurking in dark distant universe

On the largest scales possible, the universe resembles a web of light spun by an inconceivably large spider. Now, astronomers have detected very faint light from these cosmic web filaments in the deep, dark, distant universe.Continue ReadingCategory: S… Continue reading New imaging reveals colossal cosmic web lurking in dark distant universe