Interview with the Head of the NSA’s Research Directorate

MIT Technology Review published an interview with Gil Herrera, the new head of the NSA’s Research Directorate. There’s a lot of talk about quantum computing, monitoring 5G networks, and the problems of big data:

The math department, often in conjunction with the computer science department, helps tackle one of NSA’s most interesting problems: big data. Despite public reckoning over mass surveillance, NSA famously faces the challenge of collecting such extreme quantities of data that, on top of legal and ethical problems, it can be nearly impossible to sift through all of it to find everything of value. NSA views the kind of “vast access and collection” that it talks about internally as both an achievement and its own set of problems. The field of data science aims to solve them…

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Detego Global’s Trevor Wooding on Investigative Challenges and How Detego’s Products Help Overcome Them

Forensic Focus talks to Trevor Wooding, Detego’s Digital Forensics Consultant and Technical Director about his experience in lab-based investigations and training, the challenges faced by investigators, and how Detego keeps evolving their products to g… Continue reading Detego Global’s Trevor Wooding on Investigative Challenges and How Detego’s Products Help Overcome Them

Oxygen Forensics’ Lee Reiber on Keeping Pace in Digital Forensics

Christa: Increasingly mobile forensics isn’t just about devices. As the field diversifies to include cloud storage encryption and the internet of things, digital forensics evolution is only as good as the tools that can keep up. Today on … Continue reading Oxygen Forensics’ Lee Reiber on Keeping Pace in Digital Forensics

Grayshift Co-Founders David Miles, Chief Executive Officer & Braden Thomas, Chief Product Officer

Tell us a little about how Grayshift’s new Android capabilities have built on your iOS access and extraction foundation. What drove the decision to start with the latest Samsung models on the Qualcomm and Exynos chipsets, and how have customers &… Continue reading Grayshift Co-Founders David Miles, Chief Executive Officer & Braden Thomas, Chief Product Officer

Abdeslam Afras, Executive Vice President of Investigations, Nuix

Abdes, many of our readers might recognize your name from AccessData. What brought you to Nuix this year?

First, thanks for the opportunity, it’s always great to speak with you and be part of the Forensic Focus community. It’s been … Read mor… Continue reading Abdeslam Afras, Executive Vice President of Investigations, Nuix