NASA’s Flying Telescope is Winding Down Operations

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is arguably the best known and most successful observatory in history, delivering unprecedented images that have tantalized the public and astronomers alike for more than 30 …read more Continue reading NASA’s Flying Telescope is Winding Down Operations

Light-sensitive “tattoo” sensor could measure substances in the blood

When treating patients for certain conditions – including COVID-19 – it’s important to monitor their blood oxygen levels. A new sub-dermal photosensitive sensor provides a new means of doing so, plus it could one day be used to measure other blood-born… Continue reading Light-sensitive “tattoo” sensor could measure substances in the blood

About As Cold As It Gets: The Webb Telescope’s Cryocooler

If you were asked to name the coldest spot in the solar system, chances are pretty good you’d think it would be somewhere as far as possible from the ultimate …read more Continue reading About As Cold As It Gets: The Webb Telescope’s Cryocooler

Most distant object ever seen is a mysteriously bright, ancient galaxy

Astronomers have discovered the most distant object ever seen – a strange galaxy some 13.5 billion light-years away. Known as HD1, the galaxy may house a never-before-seen population of stars, or a supermassive black hole mysteriously ahead of its time… Continue reading Most distant object ever seen is a mysteriously bright, ancient galaxy

Capacitor-packin’ BCool digital thermometer has no need for a battery

Although digital body-temperature thermometers may be easier to read than their analog counterparts, there’s always the chance that their battery will go flat between uses. That’s where the BCool thermometer comes in, as you just give it a few shakes t… Continue reading Capacitor-packin’ BCool digital thermometer has no need for a battery