Harvard study finds anti-inflammatory diet lowers heart disease, stroke risk

New research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found diets higher in foods known to contribute to chronic inflammation can increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. The research suggests certain pro-inflammator… Continue reading Harvard study finds anti-inflammatory diet lowers heart disease, stroke risk

High-sugar diet can damage gut microbiome, increase IBD risk

A new study led by researchers from UT Southwestern is suggesting a diet high in sugar may contribute to the onset of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The study found mice fed high levels of glucose displayed gut microbiome alterations that contribute… Continue reading High-sugar diet can damage gut microbiome, increase IBD risk

Immune cell discovery offers hope of reversing neurodegenerative disease

A promising new study, published in the journal Nature Immunology, is describing the discovery of a novel kind of immune cell with the apparent ability to not only prevent the progressive neurological degeneration associated with diseases such as multi… Continue reading Immune cell discovery offers hope of reversing neurodegenerative disease

How gum disease can influence heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s

A compelling new study is claiming to have uncovered the missing link explaining how gum disease is associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even Alzheimer’s. The research demonstrates how periodontitis can initiate a systemic immune respon… Continue reading How gum disease can influence heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s

Multiple sclerosis and the microbiome: Study suggests complex relationship

A new study investigating the relationship between the gut microbiome, genetics, and multiple sclerosis, is suggesting bacteria certainly plays a role in modulating the effects of the disease but whether that role is positive or negative may be fundame… Continue reading Multiple sclerosis and the microbiome: Study suggests complex relationship

Biomarkers linked to IBD flareups can be monitored through sweat

Human sweat contains all sorts of chemicals that can be used to monitor our health, and scientists are looking to tap into this with devices that track everything from stress to blood sugar levels. Researchers have now found two new biomarkers in sweat… Continue reading Biomarkers linked to IBD flareups can be monitored through sweat

New evidence of link between inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers claim to have identified the first direct mechanism linking inflammation with the neurodegeneration seen in Alzheimer's disease

Researchers from the Sloan Kettering Institute have uncovered what they say is the first direct evidence to show how a dysfunctional immune response can contribute to the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. The study, published in the journal Nature, adds to a growing body of evidence highlighting the role of neuroinflammation in dementia and cognitive decline.

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Novel blood test predicts psychotic disorders years before they emerge

An international team of researchers has used machine learning to produce a novel blood test that can predict a young person’s risk of developing a psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia, years before the condition develops.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading Novel blood test predicts psychotic disorders years before they emerge

How antibiotics and a high-fat diet can drive gut inflammation

Robust new research is suggesting a high-fat diet and antibiotic use work together synergistically to promote the type of gut microbiome imbalance that can lead to bowel inflammation. The study sheds light on the causal mechanisms by which environmenta… Continue reading How antibiotics and a high-fat diet can drive gut inflammation

Significant new cell discovery predicts rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups

Researchers looking for blood-based biomarkers that could predict rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups have unexpectedly discovered a never-before-seen type of cell. Dubbed PRIME cells, they were seen to accumulate in the bloodstream seven days before a flar… Continue reading Significant new cell discovery predicts rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups