Keeping up with the Petyas: Demystifying the malware family

Last June 27, there was a huge outbreak of a Petya-esque malware with WannaCry-style infector in the Ukraine. Since there is still confusion about how exactly this malware is linked to the original Petya, we have prepared this small guide on the backg… Continue reading Keeping up with the Petyas: Demystifying the malware family

The key to old Petya versions has been published by the malware author

As research concluded, the original author of Petya, Janus, was not involved in the latest attacks on Ukraine. As a result of the recent events, Janus released his private key, allowing all the victims of the previous Petya attacks, to get their files… Continue reading The key to old Petya versions has been published by the malware author

Goldeneye Ransomware – the Petya/Mischa combo rebranded

From March 2016 we’ve observed the evolution of an interesting low-level ransomware, Petya. Now, we are facing an outbreak of the fourth version – this time under a new name – Goldeneye, and, appropriately, a new, golden theme.Categories: Malware
Malw… Continue reading Goldeneye Ransomware – the Petya/Mischa combo rebranded