Boss Byproducts: Corium Is Man-Made Lava

So now we’ve talked about all kinds of byproducts, including man-made (Fordite), nature-made (fulgurites), and one that’s a little of both (calthemites). Each of these is beautiful in its own …read more Continue reading Boss Byproducts: Corium Is Man-Made Lava

Japan’s JT-60SA Generates First Plasma As World’s Largest Superconducting Tokamak Fusion Reactor

Japan’s JT-60SA fusion reactor project announced first plasma in October of this year to denote the successful upgrades to what is now the world’s largest operational, superconducting tokamak fusion reactor. …read more Continue reading Japan’s JT-60SA Generates First Plasma As World’s Largest Superconducting Tokamak Fusion Reactor

Hackaday Links: June 18, 2023

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Will it or won’t it? That’s the question much on the minds of astronomers, astrophysicists, and the astro-adjacent this week as Betelgeuse continued its pattern of mysterious behavior that might …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: June 18, 2023

KSTAR fusion reactor sets record with 30-second plasma confinement

Scientists are exploring nuclear fusion technology through various experimental devices, and a popular design for this pursuit of clean, practically inexhaustible energy is known as the tokamak. An exciting example of these donut-shaped reactors can be… Continue reading KSTAR fusion reactor sets record with 30-second plasma confinement

Helion raises billions promising net electricity from fusion by 2024

Washington startup Helion Energy says its seventh-gen Polaris prototype will be the world’s first fusion generator to demonstrate net electricity production, as early as 2024, and it’s roped in a record-breaking funding round to get it built and runnin… Continue reading Helion raises billions promising net electricity from fusion by 2024

Argon fluoride laser could lead to practical fusion reactors

The US Naval Research Laboratory (AFL) is developing an Argon Fluoride (ArF) laser that may one day make fusion power a practical commercial technology. The wide-bandwidth ultraviolet laser is designed to have the shortest laser wavelength that can sca… Continue reading Argon fluoride laser could lead to practical fusion reactors