Nanomaterial stimulates and regrows severed nerves like sci-fi tech

In a move that echoes a sci-fi series, researchers have developed a super-small material that was able to not only stimulate nerves in rodents, but reconnect them as well. The finding could lead to injectable particles that take the place of larger imp… Continue reading Nanomaterial stimulates and regrows severed nerves like sci-fi tech

DARPA launches program in quest for “Red October” silent submarine drive

Taking a plot point from the 1990 Sean Connery thriller The Hunt for Red October, DARPA is working on a super-silent submarine drive that has no moving parts and provides propulsion through the water using magnets and electricity.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading DARPA launches program in quest for “Red October” silent submarine drive

Experimental “Faraday fabric” blocks almost all electromagnetic waves

Researchers at Drexel University have created “Faraday fabrics” that can block almost all electromagnetic waves. The key ingredient is a 2D material called MXene, and the development could help protect wearables from interference and people from potent… Continue reading Experimental “Faraday fabric” blocks almost all electromagnetic waves

“Remote control” for diabetes tackles blood sugar with electromagnetism

For many type 2 diabetics, keeping blood sugar to healthy levels is a painstaking task involving regular monitoring and insulin injections, but scientists are pursuing more convenient ways to manage the condition. Among them is a research group at the … Continue reading “Remote control” for diabetes tackles blood sugar with electromagnetism

2D material absorbs electromagnetic waves for superior shielding

Electromagnetic interference can be a serious problem for electronic devices, so shielding is usually placed around components. Now, engineers at Drexel University have found that a 2D material called titanium carbonitride is an excellent shielding mat… Continue reading 2D material absorbs electromagnetic waves for superior shielding

Aerogel fashioned into world’s lightest electromagnetic shielding

Containing the electromagnetic radiation generated by electronic components is a key consideration for designers of electronic devices, but today’s metal-based shielding materials have their downsides. Scientists at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for M… Continue reading Aerogel fashioned into world’s lightest electromagnetic shielding

Study concludes that electric cars don’t affect pacemakers

Although it doesn’t happen often, it is possible for electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to affect the performance of cardiac implants such as pacemakers. Fortunately for recipients, though, a new study indicates that EMFs produced by electric cars pose no s… Continue reading Study concludes that electric cars don’t affect pacemakers

Side-Channel Attacks Hack Chat with Samy Kamkar

Join us on Wednesday, March 25 at noon Pacific for the Side-Channel Attacks Hack Chat with Samy Kamkar!

In the world of computer security, the good news is that a lot of vendors are finally taking security seriously now, with the result that direct attacks are harder to pull off. …read more

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Build Your Own Solenoid Engine

A solenoid engine is a curiosity of the electrical world. By all measures, using electricity to rotate something can be done almost any other way with greater efficiency and less hassle. But there’s just something riveting about watching a solenoid engine work. If you want to build one of your …read more

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