Learning to use a handy Third Thumb may be easier than you think

Having an extra thumb on one hand may massively boost your manual dexterity, but wouldn’t it be hard to learn to use? Not according to a new study, which found that the majority of a wide variety of people got the hang of the thing in just one minute.C… Continue reading Learning to use a handy Third Thumb may be easier than you think

Dexterous robot hand can take a beating in the name of AI research

A robotics company likely most famous for a demo of its dexterous robot hand at Amazon re:MARS with Jeff Bezos has now unveiled a new robust model designed for machine learning research, which was developed in collaboration with Google’s DeepMind.Conti… Continue reading Dexterous robot hand can take a beating in the name of AI research

A Hacker’s Guide to Getting Old

It’s no surprise that things change as we age, and that tasks that were once trivial become difficult. Case in point: my son asked for help with the cord on his gaming headset the other night. The cable had broken and we could see frayed conductors exposed. When I got it apart, I found that I could barely see the ultra-fine wires to resolder them after cutting out the bad section. I managed to do it, but just barely.

This experience got me thinking about how to deal with the inevitable. How do you stay active as a hacker once …read more

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