How Fast is the Universe Expanding? The Riddle of Two Values for the Hubble Constant

In the last decades, our understanding of the Universe has made tremendous progress. Not long ago, “precision astronomy” was thought to be an oxymoron. Nowadays, satellite experiments and powerful telescopes …read more Continue reading How Fast is the Universe Expanding? The Riddle of Two Values for the Hubble Constant

Dark energy instrument snaps breathtaking image of galactic neighbor

Astronomers have captured a stunning image of one of the Milky Way’s neighboring spiral galaxies. The portrait was taken using an instrument that was first created to hunt down dark energy – the enigmatic, invisible force that may be responsible for ac… Continue reading Dark energy instrument snaps breathtaking image of galactic neighbor

Scientists calculate how much matter there is in the universe

Scientists have now estimated the total amount of matter in the universe, using a new, more precise method. By calculating the mass of hundreds of galaxy clusters, the team found that matter makes up less than a third of the contents of the universe.Co… Continue reading Scientists calculate how much matter there is in the universe

Exotic objects made of dark energy could be pushing the universe apart

The universe is expanding, and that expansion is accelerating, but exactly why and how that’s happening remains unknown. One hypothesis suggests that this expansion is driven by mysterious, black hole-like objects made of dark energy, and now astrophys… Continue reading Exotic objects made of dark energy could be pushing the universe apart

Meet NASA’s Roman Space Telescope, named after the “Mother of Hubble”

NASA has officially named its next planet hunter. Previously known as the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), the project has now been named the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope – or simply, the Roman Space Telescope – after NASA’s first ch… Continue reading Meet NASA’s Roman Space Telescope, named after the “Mother of Hubble”

Almost 140 new minor planets spotted in the outer solar system

Well over 100 new minor planets have been discovered in our solar system, in the darkness out beyond the orbit of Neptune. The discoveries were made by sifting through several years’ worth of data gathered by the Dark Energy Survey (DES), and applying … Continue reading Almost 140 new minor planets spotted in the outer solar system

Atomic experiment to detect dark energy fails to feel the force

The universe is generally believed to be expanding at an accelerating rate, thanks to a mysterious force dubbed dark energy. But how exactly does this force work? Researchers in the UK have conducted an experiment to test a hypothesis that th… Continue reading Atomic experiment to detect dark energy fails to feel the force

Solar Chameleons: CERN's search for dark energy particles from the Sun

Dark energy is one theory to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, and a new ...

One of the biggest mysteries of the universe is why its expansion seems to be speeding up. Physicists have attributed it to a strange force called dark energy, but exactly how it works is largely speculative. Hypothetical “chameleon” particles could be behind dark energy, and physicists at CERN have been searching for these particles streaming from the Sun. Now, the team has reported the first results of their search.

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Category: Physics


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A New Theory Unifies Dark Matter and Dark Energy as a ‘Dark Fluid’ With Negative Mass

Can one of Einstein’s forgotten theories solve the riddle of why 95 percent of the stuff in the universe appears to be missing? Continue reading A New Theory Unifies Dark Matter and Dark Energy as a ‘Dark Fluid’ With Negative Mass