Skin-buzzing sensor detects psoriasis, and potentially other disorders

When someone has a problematic skin condition, the affected skin is typically either stiffer or softer than normal. A new sensor has been shown to detect such differences, potentially allowing doctors to diagnose problems more quickly and easily.Contin… Continue reading Skin-buzzing sensor detects psoriasis, and potentially other disorders

Ice microneedle patches deliver drugs, then melt away

Nobody likes needles, but they’re often a necessary evil. Microneedle patches are emerging as a painless alternative, and now researchers at City University of Hong Kong have developed a new version of the tech that’s made of ice, for easier manufactur… Continue reading Ice microneedle patches deliver drugs, then melt away

Tiny wing-flapping drone gets tougher by going softer

Although wing-flapping micro-drones do already exist, the things tend to be quite fragile – and thus not ideally suited to real-world use. An experimental new one, however, utilizes a softer mechanism for greatly enhanced durability.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Tiny wing-flapping drone gets tougher by going softer

Invisible “dark matter” stars may explain puzzling gravitational waves

Last year scientists detected gravitational waves from what appeared to be the most massive black hole collision ever recorded. But now an international team of astrophysicists has proposed an exotic alternative – the data may actually favor a collisio… Continue reading Invisible “dark matter” stars may explain puzzling gravitational waves

Scientists stretch diamond to improve its electronic properties

Diamond is a famously hard material, but now scientists at City University of Hong Kong have managed to stretch it further than ever before. Why? Stretching nanoscale samples changes their electronic and optical properties, which could open up a new wo… Continue reading Scientists stretch diamond to improve its electronic properties

Magnetic spray turns objects into robots that walk, roll and crawl

By combining magnetic materials with magnetic fields, robotics researchers continue to develop machines that can be remotely manipulated in all kinds of useful ways, such as somersault through the colon or crawl through blood vessels to deliver drugs. … Continue reading Magnetic spray turns objects into robots that walk, roll and crawl

Solar flow battery efficiently stores renewable energy in liquid form

Capturing energy from the Sun with solar panels is only half the story – that energy needs to be stored somewhere for later use. In the case of flow batteries, storage is relegated to vats of liquid. Now, an international team led by University of Wisc… Continue reading Solar flow battery efficiently stores renewable energy in liquid form