World-first artificial synthesis of starch from CO2 outperforms nature

Starch is an essential material for everything from bread-baking to paper-making, and there is much to be gained from streamlining the way we produce it. Scientists in China have managed to take an important step forwards in this area, developing a nov… Continue reading World-first artificial synthesis of starch from CO2 outperforms nature

Fossilized cartilage reveals dinosaur cells in incredible detail

Paleontologists have isolated cartilage cells from an exceptionally well-preserved dinosaur fossil in China. The cells’ nuclei still contain traces of biomolecules and other organic structures, and the scientists are even able to tell which stage of th… Continue reading Fossilized cartilage reveals dinosaur cells in incredible detail

Gamma rays 10 times more energetic than thought possible detected

Astronomers have detected the highest-energy light ever seen, streaming in from near the center of the Milky Way. Hundreds of gamma ray signals were detected with ultra-high energies, with the most powerful signals crossing the Peta-electronvolt (PeV) … Continue reading Gamma rays 10 times more energetic than thought possible detected

Modified blood platelets combine heat and immunotherapy to kill cancer

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have developed an intriguing new way to fight cancer by combining two types of experimental therapies. Their secret ingredient is creating a feedback loop using modified blood platelets.Continue Read… Continue reading Modified blood platelets combine heat and immunotherapy to kill cancer

Fossilized dinosaur found sitting on eggs – with embryos inside

While we’ve seen fossilized dinosaur eggs and embryos before, paleontologists have now discovered an unprecedented three-for-one – a fossilized dinosaur parent sitting on a nest of eggs, in which embryos are present.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, S… Continue reading Fossilized dinosaur found sitting on eggs – with embryos inside

First Moon radiation measurements reveal risk to astronaut health

Radiation is one of the main dangers of space travel, and with renewed focus on sending human crews back to the Moon it’s important to understand the risks they face. Now we have the clearest data on that to date, thanks to a dedicated instrument onboa… Continue reading First Moon radiation measurements reveal risk to astronaut health

Tiny wearable wind farm harvests energy from flapping plastic strips

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a new type of wearable electric generator, which harvests energy from the wind as you walk. The team says it’s low cost and efficient enough to power small sensors and LEDs.Continue Readin… Continue reading Tiny wearable wind farm harvests energy from flapping plastic strips

Astronomers detect strongest known magnetic field in the universe

Astronomers have detected the strongest magnetic field ever observed in the universe. Studying powerful X-ray signals coming from a neutron star, the team calculated that its magnetic field is tens of millions of times stronger than any ever created in… Continue reading Astronomers detect strongest known magnetic field in the universe

Eating new transgenic rice could lower high blood pressure

We’ve already heard about genetically manipulated types of rice that are drought-resistant and antioxidant-rich. A new one, however, could potentially save the lives of people with high blood pressure.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Agriculture,… Continue reading Eating new transgenic rice could lower high blood pressure

‘Oumuamua may be a piece of a planet torn to shreds by a star

‘Oumuamua, the first interstellar interloper detected passing through our solar system, raised many questions when it was discovered. According to a new model, the object’s unusual shape and trajectory may be the result of a devastating close encounter… Continue reading ‘Oumuamua may be a piece of a planet torn to shreds by a star