Insulation additive drastically boosts performance of power lines

As we increasingly move toward renewable energy sources such as wind turbines, we’re going to require the best means possible of relaying electricity from them to our cities. A new cable-insulating material may allow us to do so much more efficiently.C… Continue reading Insulation additive drastically boosts performance of power lines

“Battery butter” could give solid state batteries a much-needed boost

We’ve recently been hearing a lot about solid state batteries, which have some definite advantages over their conventional counterparts. Although they’re still not quite ready for everyday use, a newly developed butter-like substance could help change … Continue reading “Battery butter” could give solid state batteries a much-needed boost

3D-printing breakthrough paves the way for printed "wooden" products

Several years ago, we heard how scientists from Sweden’s Chalmers University had created a 3D-printing medium made from wood fiber. Now, they’ve developed a new method of printing with it, producing solid material with the structure and quali… Continue reading 3D-printing breakthrough paves the way for printed "wooden" products