Tracked bottom-crawling robot gathers valuable deep-sea data

Although the deep ocean floor may seem isolated from life on the rest of the planet, it actually plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle. Scientists are now gaining a better understanding of that role, thanks to a tracked robotic underwater rover… Continue reading Tracked bottom-crawling robot gathers valuable deep-sea data

World’s largest direct air capture plant starts absorbing CO2 in Iceland

An ambitious startup looking to eat into the world’s carbon emissions has just taken its biggest bite yet, flicking the switch on the largest direct air capture and CO2 storage plant on the planet. Climework’s latest facility is designed to suck carbon… Continue reading World’s largest direct air capture plant starts absorbing CO2 in Iceland

“Nanojars” capture carbon dioxide dissolved in water

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere attracts most of the attention in environmental concerns, but much of that ends up in oceans, making them more acidic. Now scientists have created “nanojars” that can easily capture this and other pollutants from water…. Continue reading “Nanojars” capture carbon dioxide dissolved in water

“World Avoided” model charts climate cost if we’d ignored ozone hole

It’s easy to feel hopeless in the face of climate change, but it’s not too late to do something about it – after all, we’ve stepped up to similar challenges before. New modeling shows just how much worse the situation would be if CFCs hadn’t been banne… Continue reading “World Avoided” model charts climate cost if we’d ignored ozone hole

In-ground aircraft towing tech promises fuel savings and less CO2

Ordinarily, airliners have to run their jet engines in order to taxi along the runway – this uses a lot of fuel, plus it generates a lot of carbon emissions. A new in-ground electrical towing system, however, offers what could be a much more efficient … Continue reading In-ground aircraft towing tech promises fuel savings and less CO2

Audeze develops carbon nanotube driver for electrostatic headphones

California’s premium hi-fi brand Audeze helped design a pair of headphones to facilitate communication between doctor and patient during an MRI scan, without affecting the imagery produced. And this led to the development of the CRBN Electrostatic head… Continue reading Audeze develops carbon nanotube driver for electrostatic headphones

Individual isotopes measured in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

Astronomers have counted the number of neutrons inside carbon atoms from 2.8 quadrillion km away. The team managed to measure the ratios of carbon isotopes in the atmosphere of an exoplanet for the first time, which can tell us about how it formed.Cont… Continue reading Individual isotopes measured in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

Individual isotopes measured in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

Astronomers have counted the number of neutrons inside carbon atoms from 2.8 quadrillion km away. The team managed to measure the ratios of carbon isotopes in the atmosphere of an exoplanet for the first time, which can tell us about how it formed.Cont… Continue reading Individual isotopes measured in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

Scientists convert tamarind waste into energy storage material for EVs

Along with their batteries, many electric cars now utilize supercapacitors for tasks such as quickly delivering power while accelerating. Thanks to new research, a key component of such devices could soon be made from waste tamarind shells.Continue Rea… Continue reading Scientists convert tamarind waste into energy storage material for EVs

How Graphene May Enable The Next Generations Of High-Density Hard Drives

After decades of improvements to hard disk drive (HDD) technology, manufacturers are now close to taking the next big leap that will boost storage density to new levels. Using laser-assisted …read more Continue reading How Graphene May Enable The Next Generations Of High-Density Hard Drives