Carbon nanotubes boost efficiency in “nanobionic” bacterial solar cells

Engineers at EPFL have found a way to insert carbon nanotubes into photosynthetic bacteria, which greatly improves their electrical output. They even pass these nanotubes down to their offspring when they divide, through what the team calls “inherited … Continue reading Carbon nanotubes boost efficiency in “nanobionic” bacterial solar cells

CO2Rail aims to turn train cars into rolling carbon capture plants

We’re seeing a growing emphasis on direct air capture technology in our efforts to combat climate change, and an interesting new take on this technology could see it put to use on railways around the world. US outfit CO2Rail is developing specialized r… Continue reading CO2Rail aims to turn train cars into rolling carbon capture plants

Atomic-scale quantum circuit marks major quantum computer breakthrough

Engineers in Sydney have demonstrated a quantum integrated circuit made up of just a few atoms. By precisely controlling the quantum states of the atoms, the new processor can simulate the structure and properties of molecules in a way that could unloc… Continue reading Atomic-scale quantum circuit marks major quantum computer breakthrough

World’s fastest carbon capture system claims 99% efficiency in ambient air

As carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, it won’t be enough to simply curb our emissions – we’ll need to actively remove some of what we’ve already released. In a new advance, researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have developed a new co… Continue reading World’s fastest carbon capture system claims 99% efficiency in ambient air

Recycled soot coating captures solar heat better than graphene

Tackling climate change doesn’t just require efforts like renewable energy – we need to clean up existing processes too. Now, engineers have developed a way to use soot from emissions to improve solar thermal devices, making them not only cheaper to pr… Continue reading Recycled soot coating captures solar heat better than graphene

Curiosity detects carbon signature on Mars that, on Earth, indicates life

NASA’s Curiosity rover has detected high amounts of an unexpected form of carbon on Mars. That might not sound too exciting, but the kicker is that here on Earth, this chemical signature is usually associated with life.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, … Continue reading Curiosity detects carbon signature on Mars that, on Earth, indicates life

Liquid metal catalyst quickly coverts carbon dioxide into solid carbon

Researchers at RMIT have developed a new method for quickly converting carbon dioxide into solid carbon, which can be stored indefinitely or turned into useful materials. The technology works by bubbling CO2 up through a tube of liquid metal, and it’s … Continue reading Liquid metal catalyst quickly coverts carbon dioxide into solid carbon

Biodegradable e-ink makes for eco-friendlier 3D-printed electronics

As 3D-printed electrical circuits become more widely produced, the problem of electronic waste could correspondingly get worse. That’s why Swiss scientists have developed a new natural-source “e-ink” that biodegrades once discarded.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading Biodegradable e-ink makes for eco-friendlier 3D-printed electronics

Ultrahard diamond glass made by crushing buckyballs

Researchers at Carnegie Science have developed an ultrahard diamond glass. Made entirely of crushed “soccerballs” of carbon, the new material also has high thermal conductivity and could find use in electronics.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, Scie… Continue reading Ultrahard diamond glass made by crushing buckyballs

Elon Musk’s $100-million Carbon Removal XPrize announces first winners

The largest XPrize competition ever conducted has given out its first prize money, with 23 student teams receiving cash injections to further their carbon removal technologies. Among the winners are a mix of forward-thinking projects that take aim at t… Continue reading Elon Musk’s $100-million Carbon Removal XPrize announces first winners