Atmospheric CO2 hits 23-million-year peak, plant fossils reveal

It’s well known that the current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are the highest they’ve been in a long time – but is that a few hundred years? Thousands? Millions? According to a new study of fossil plant matter, CO2 concentrations haven’t … Continue reading Atmospheric CO2 hits 23-million-year peak, plant fossils reveal

Coronavirus lockdowns prompt “extreme” dip in global carbon emissions

The lockdown orders implemented around the globe to control the spread of the novel coronavirus have led to a dramatic dip in some airborne pollutants, and a new study has revealed that carbon dioxide emissions have followed a similar trend. The analys… Continue reading Coronavirus lockdowns prompt “extreme” dip in global carbon emissions

Atmospheric CO2 soars to record heights in spite of global pandemic

The wheels we humans have set in motion concerning carbon dioxide emissions and climate change are going to take some stopping, and the latest data from Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory are another clear indicator of this. Scientists there have logged re… Continue reading Atmospheric CO2 soars to record heights in spite of global pandemic

New technique makes thousands of semi-synthetic photosynthesis cells

Photosynthesis is one of nature’s most useful chemical reactions, so it’s not surprising that scientists often try to mimic it. Now, researchers from the Max Planck Institute have developed a new way to make hybrid synthetic living cells that can use p… Continue reading New technique makes thousands of semi-synthetic photosynthesis cells

Carbon capture membrane assembles its own silver structures

With carbon dioxide emissions continuing to rise and drive up global temperatures, many scientists are pursuing technologies that can capture the gas before it enters the atmosphere. Scientists at Newcastle University have happened upon a particularly … Continue reading Carbon capture membrane assembles its own silver structures

Cheap CO2 sensor can cut energy use by detecting breathing in a room

Technologies that automate functions of the home, like smart lights and thermostats, can not only make running a household more convenient, but avoid a lot of energy wastage at the same time. Scientists at Purdue University are putting forward another … Continue reading Cheap CO2 sensor can cut energy use by detecting breathing in a room

Hybrid reactor uses living bacteria to turn CO2 into useful molecules

Were humans to one day make it to Mars, one of the problems we’d need to have solved long in advance is how to produce necessities like fuel and drugs without having to take them there ourselves. One way we could do this is by collecting carbon dioxide… Continue reading Hybrid reactor uses living bacteria to turn CO2 into useful molecules

Study shows why trees won’t benefit much from extra CO2 in the air

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing steadily, having recently reached the highest concentration in human history. While that’s undoubtedly bad news for the planet, one argued silver lining is that plants are better off due to m… Continue reading Study shows why trees won’t benefit much from extra CO2 in the air

UN annual climate report shows 2019 was another record-breaking year

The United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have released the Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2019. This annual report confirms that last year was another record-breaker, continuing a worrying trend that indicates… Continue reading UN annual climate report shows 2019 was another record-breaking year

Bendable concrete goes cement-free to cut environmental footprint

Concrete is the world’s most widely-used building material thanks to its incredible strength – but it doesn’t stand up well against bending. Now, researchers at Swinburne University have developed a new type of concrete that can not only bend better, b… Continue reading Bendable concrete goes cement-free to cut environmental footprint