Bee-inspired flying robot gains yaw control via angled wings

Robotic versions of flying insects hold a lot of promise for numerous applications, but controlling their yaw axis while in flight has proven challenging. A new bee robot, however, addresses that problem with a clever design.Continue ReadingCategory: D… Continue reading Bee-inspired flying robot gains yaw control via angled wings

Bug-inspired coating could make for better bone and joint implants

Inspired by the wings of dragonflies and cicadas, researchers have developed a new coating for orthopedic implants. It not only shreds harmful bacteria, but also monitors stress on the system, meaning it could warn of impending implant failure.Continue… Continue reading Bug-inspired coating could make for better bone and joint implants

Robo-centipede overcomes obstacles by throwing lotsa legs at the problem

Although biped and quadruped robots may excel at traversing uneven terrain, they require multiple sensors and complex algorithms in order to do so. Scientists have now taken a “simpler” approach, by creating a robotic centipede.Continue ReadingCategory… Continue reading Robo-centipede overcomes obstacles by throwing lotsa legs at the problem

Mussel-based glue helps stem cells stick to their job site

The utility of the humble mussel in the world of medicine has expanded once again. This time, researchers figured out how to use a mussel-based glue to hold stem cells in place long enough to repair cartilage inside a rabbit’s body.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading Mussel-based glue helps stem cells stick to their job site

Groundbreaking robotic fish has a twisted method of propulsion

When designing fish-like underwater robots, you want a means of propulsion which is both energy-efficient and reasonably speedy. A new tail-flapping system may fit the bill, paving the way for wider usage of such bots.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics… Continue reading Groundbreaking robotic fish has a twisted method of propulsion

Gut-zapping lizard-inspired capsule could boost patients’ appetites

Even though a variety of conditions may cause people to lose their appetite, it’s important for those folks to keep eating in order to recover. A new “electroceutical” ingestible capsule could help, by making them feel hungry … and it was inspired by a… Continue reading Gut-zapping lizard-inspired capsule could boost patients’ appetites

Robotic jellyfish can suck up ocean debris without touching it

Due to their unique way of moving through the water, jellyfish are frequently used as inspiration for soft, water-based robots. Now, researchers have discovered that the flapping propulsion system of a robotic jellyfish is not only good for movement, b… Continue reading Robotic jellyfish can suck up ocean debris without touching it

Inflatable drone bounces and perches instead of crashing and hovering

If you’ve ever tried piloting a quadcopter drone, you’ll know that they invariably end up running into walls, trees or whatnot … often getting damaged in the process. An experimental new inflatable-body drone, however, just bounces off obstacles – plus… Continue reading Inflatable drone bounces and perches instead of crashing and hovering

Polar bear’s light-funneling fur key to new super-warm textile

Frequently, when looking for answers to human problems, scientists turn to animals who have already evolved their own solutions. So when it came time to develop a heat-trapping fabric, a team of researchers looked to polar bears, whose outer layers all… Continue reading Polar bear’s light-funneling fur key to new super-warm textile