Bio-inspired Sensiworm is made to inch(worm) its way into jet engines

It goes without saying that it is very important for airliners’ jet engines to be regularly inspected. Such inspections could soon be easier and more thorough than ever before, thanks to a robot that moves like an inchworm.Continue ReadingCategory: Rob… Continue reading Bio-inspired Sensiworm is made to inch(worm) its way into jet engines

Insect-inspired robot gets skinny to go through gaps

One of the most commonly suggested uses for tiny robots is the search for trapped survivors in disaster site rubble. The insect-inspired CLARI robot could be particularly good at doing so, as it can make itself skinnier to squeeze through tight horizon… Continue reading Insect-inspired robot gets skinny to go through gaps

Seed-shooting plant could inspire better jumping robots

The witch hazel plant has quite a unique skill – it’s able to shoot out its seeds at a speed of 30 feet (9 m) per second. Scientists now know how the plant does it, and believe that their findings could be applied to human technology.Continue ReadingCa… Continue reading Seed-shooting plant could inspire better jumping robots

Dog-inspired robot keeps running on its own once started

While we’ve seen a number of quadruped “robotic dogs” lately, they all require control motors to maintain their running gait. An experimental new one, however, keeps running on its own once it’s been set in motion.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, Te… Continue reading Dog-inspired robot keeps running on its own once started

Adaptable turtle-bot uses four flippers to scoot across the sand

Just last week, we heard about a robotic baby sea turtle that can “swim” through the sand. It’s not the only robo-turtle in town, though, as another one has been developed to possibly one day lead real baby turtles to the safety of the sea.Continue Rea… Continue reading Adaptable turtle-bot uses four flippers to scoot across the sand

Sand-swimming robot inspired by freshly hatched baby sea turtles

When baby sea turtles hatch from their buried eggs, they use their powerful flippers to make their way up through the sand. A new “sand-swimming” robot, inspired by those hatchlings, could one day save lives or even explore other planets.Continue Readi… Continue reading Sand-swimming robot inspired by freshly hatched baby sea turtles

Wall-climbing Magnecko robot is like a cross between a gecko and a spider

Inspections of tall metal structures or machines can be difficult for people to perform up-close and in person, and while aerial drones may help, their limited battery life is a problem. That’s where the magnetic-footed Magnecko robot is intended to co… Continue reading Wall-climbing Magnecko robot is like a cross between a gecko and a spider

Rose-inspired robotic gripper gently plucks up fragile items

When handling fragile objects, robots need to have a delicate touch. And while some previous efforts to give them that touch have involved things like soft rubbery fingers, an experimental new one was inspired by a blooming rose.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Rose-inspired robotic gripper gently plucks up fragile items

Bioinspired color-changing material could warn of damaged goods

Imagine if there were inexpensive 3D-printed sensors that changed color to show us if something had gotten too warm or was subjected to too much stress. Well, there soon could be – and they’ll biodegrade once discarded, to boot.Continue ReadingCategory… Continue reading Bioinspired color-changing material could warn of damaged goods

Scientists copy krill to develop swarms of aquatic robots

While most of us may just think of krill as baleen whale food, the tiny crustaceans are also very adept swimmers … enough so that scientists have now developed a krill-inspired robotic platform in hopes of one day creating swarms of ocean-exploring swi… Continue reading Scientists copy krill to develop swarms of aquatic robots