A cup in the mouth may replace a needle in the arm for drug delivery

Nobody likes getting needles, but unfortunately there are some medications that can only be administered via injection. That could be about to change, however, thanks to the invention of a suction cup that you stick in your mouth.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading A cup in the mouth may replace a needle in the arm for drug delivery

3D printing resin produces single items that are both soft and rigid

Although an increasing number of devices are being developed for use on or in our bodies, such devices tend not to be very … “body-like.” A new 3D printing resin could change that, by allowing for variable stiffness throughout single objects.Continue R… Continue reading 3D printing resin produces single items that are both soft and rigid

Bio-inspired color-changing coating could both warm and cool houses

The desert-dwelling Namaqua chameleon has a pretty neat trick – it changes skin color to stay cool when outdoor temperatures rise, and stay warm when they drop. An experimental new coating could one day do the same thing for our homes.Continue ReadingC… Continue reading Bio-inspired color-changing coating could both warm and cool houses

Soft micro-combustion actuators unlock explosive robot motion

Most robots use electric actuators, but this little fella packs a lot more punch. Researchers have created a new type of minuscule combustion engine that gives this tiny frog robot explosive leaping abilities, as well as fine movement control.Continue … Continue reading Soft micro-combustion actuators unlock explosive robot motion

Leaf-inspired origami “microfliers” change shape to change flight

If you’re trying to distribute environmental sensors over a wide area by dropping them from a drone, you definitely don’t want them all landing in the same place. In order to keep that from happening, University of Washington scientists have created ti… Continue reading Leaf-inspired origami “microfliers” change shape to change flight

Bio-inspired Sensiworm is made to inch(worm) its way into jet engines

It goes without saying that it is very important for airliners’ jet engines to be regularly inspected. Such inspections could soon be easier and more thorough than ever before, thanks to a robot that moves like an inchworm.Continue ReadingCategory: Rob… Continue reading Bio-inspired Sensiworm is made to inch(worm) its way into jet engines

Insect-inspired robot gets skinny to go through gaps

One of the most commonly suggested uses for tiny robots is the search for trapped survivors in disaster site rubble. The insect-inspired CLARI robot could be particularly good at doing so, as it can make itself skinnier to squeeze through tight horizon… Continue reading Insect-inspired robot gets skinny to go through gaps

Seed-shooting plant could inspire better jumping robots

The witch hazel plant has quite a unique skill – it’s able to shoot out its seeds at a speed of 30 feet (9 m) per second. Scientists now know how the plant does it, and believe that their findings could be applied to human technology.Continue ReadingCa… Continue reading Seed-shooting plant could inspire better jumping robots

Dog-inspired robot keeps running on its own once started

While we’ve seen a number of quadruped “robotic dogs” lately, they all require control motors to maintain their running gait. An experimental new one, however, keeps running on its own once it’s been set in motion.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, Te… Continue reading Dog-inspired robot keeps running on its own once started

Adaptable turtle-bot uses four flippers to scoot across the sand

Just last week, we heard about a robotic baby sea turtle that can “swim” through the sand. It’s not the only robo-turtle in town, though, as another one has been developed to possibly one day lead real baby turtles to the safety of the sea.Continue Rea… Continue reading Adaptable turtle-bot uses four flippers to scoot across the sand