Discovery of ocean insect’s secret could lead to slipperier ships

The “sea skater” is one of the few insects that lives full-time in a marine environment. Scientists are now taking a closer look at how the animal repels water, with an eye towards the development of more hydrodynamic ship hulls.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Discovery of ocean insect’s secret could lead to slipperier ships

Mosquito night navigation inspires new drone obstacle avoidance system

Researchers have taken inspiration from a mosquito’s ability to fly and land in the dark to develop a new collision-avoidance sensory system that has been tested on a quadcopter. The international team of scientists, led by Professor Richard Bomphrey a… Continue reading Mosquito night navigation inspires new drone obstacle avoidance system

Soft-bodied robot channels the cheetah to move fast

An illustration depicting how the LEAP robot is inspired by the cheetah's running style

When we think of soft-bodied robots, we tend to picture things that slowly crawl like caterpillars. A new one is able to move much quicker, though, by leaping like a cheetah.

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Manta ray-inspired drone wins delivery competition in Africa

Although they’re relatively large, manta rays move easily through the water, thanks to their sleek shape. Well, that form has been copied in the aptly-named Manta Ray aerial delivery drone, which recently won an international competition.Continue Readi… Continue reading Manta ray-inspired drone wins delivery competition in Africa

Spiders inspire improved nanofiber-handling tech

Nanofibers have found use in numerous applications, ranging from lightweight car parts to high-strength materials. Now, thanks to a new understanding of a certain group of spiders, they may soon be easier to work with.Continue ReadingCategory: Material… Continue reading Spiders inspire improved nanofiber-handling tech

Walking robot uses neural net to change gaits

Insects rapidly transition between different walking gaits, in response to external stimuli. Scientists have now created a small robot that can do the same thing, utilizing an integrated artificial neural network – the technology might ultimately find … Continue reading Walking robot uses neural net to change gaits

Semi-soft “flexoskeleton” robots inspired by insects

Soft-bodied robots have numerous desirable qualities, such as the ability to squeeze through gaps, or survive being stepped on. And so far, they’ve typically been manually assembled on a one-off basis. That could be about to change, though, thanks to a… Continue reading Semi-soft “flexoskeleton” robots inspired by insects

Robotic sea turtle shows promise as fish farm inspector

Marine aquaculture pens have to be regularly checked for holes, plus the fish need to be inspected for disease or parasites. And although the job is typically performed by human divers, it turns out that a robotic sea turtle may be a better choice for … Continue reading Robotic sea turtle shows promise as fish farm inspector

Mint leaves offer a new blueprint for frost-free surfaces

Ice and airplane wings don’t mix particularly well, with the added weight making it hard for the aircraft to take off, or causing it potentially catastrophic problems once in the air. Scientists are continually looking at better ways to address this pr… Continue reading Mint leaves offer a new blueprint for frost-free surfaces

Scientists developing ice-repelling laser treatment for airplanes

While it’s important to keep the wings of aircraft ice-free, the application of chemical deicers before takeoff can be problematic. German scientists are working on something that could help, in the form of an ice-repelling laser-based treatment for fl… Continue reading Scientists developing ice-repelling laser treatment for airplanes