Sea sponge skeletons inspire stronger, lighter load-bearing structures

From next-generation body armor to new treatments for tuberculosis, marine sponges have plenty to offer the world of science, and now we’re seeing how they might inspire stronger and lighter skyscrapers and bridges. Engineers at Harvard University have… Continue reading Sea sponge skeletons inspire stronger, lighter load-bearing structures

Cheap, reusable adhesive is inspired by the footpads of flies

The natural world is a great source of inspiration for scientists working on advanced adhesives, where everything from gecko skin to bee slobber have provided blueprints for next-generation materials with supreme stickiness. The latest example, inspire… Continue reading Cheap, reusable adhesive is inspired by the footpads of flies

Miles the Spider Robot

Who doesn’t love robotic spiders? Today’s biomimetic robot comes in the form of Miles, the quadruped spider robot from [_Robox].

Miles uses twelve servos to control its motion, three on each of its legs, and also includes a standard HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor for some obstacle avoidance capabilities. Twelve servos …read more

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“Memorizing and forgetting” gel mimics the human brain

Our brains not only memorize things, they also forget them. While that may seem like a limitation, it’s a quality that’s been copied in a new hydrogel – and it may actually have some practical applications.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTa… Continue reading “Memorizing and forgetting” gel mimics the human brain

Robotic Biped Walks On Inverse Kinematics

Robotics projects are always a favorite for hackers. Being able to almost literally bring your project to life evokes a special kind of joy that really drives our wildest imaginations. We imagine this is one of the inspirations for the boom in interactive technologies that are flooding the market these …read more

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Mole-inspired robot is designed to dig its way through other planets

As we continue to explore other planets, we’re going to want to know not only what’s on their surface, but also what’s underneath it. That’s where the Mole-bot comes in – it’s a robot that autonomously tunnels its way through the ground.Continue Readin… Continue reading Mole-inspired robot is designed to dig its way through other planets

HAMR-JR is one of the smallest, fastest walking robots ever

It was seven years ago that we first heard about Harvard University’s HAMR cockroach-inspired robot. Although the bot was already on the tiny side, its designers have now created a version that’s just half its size – it’s time to meet HAMR-JR.Continue … Continue reading HAMR-JR is one of the smallest, fastest walking robots ever