Gecko-inspired farmHand combines grasping strength with a light touch

When it comes to robotic hands, there are ones that can grasp tough items firmly, and ones that can grasp delicate items lightly. The experimental new gecko-inspired farmHand, however, is capable of doing both.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, Techno… Continue reading Gecko-inspired farmHand combines grasping strength with a light touch

Water-strider-inspired robot may one day clean up oil spills

It’s possible that someday in the future, sunlight-powered robots may be able to swim across marine oil spills, soaking up the oil as they go. A tiny functioning prototype has already been created, and it was inspired by both the steam engine and an in… Continue reading Water-strider-inspired robot may one day clean up oil spills

Sweat-analyzing sensor copies the cactus to gather more liquid

When it comes to detecting biomarker chemicals in a person’s body, sweat-analyzing sensors offer a less painful alternative to blood sampling. A new wearable sensor takes a unique approach to collecting that sweat, by mimicking cactus needles.Continue … Continue reading Sweat-analyzing sensor copies the cactus to gather more liquid

Robotic water strider is propelled by surface tension – and alcohol

You may think that water strider insects move across the water’s surface simply by wiggling their legs, but they actually utilize what is known as the Maragoni effect. Scientists have now utilized the phenomenon in a tiny, silent, water-striding robot…. Continue reading Robotic water strider is propelled by surface tension – and alcohol

Study of tiny seashells may lead to adaptive protective clothing

Imagine if there was protective clothing that usually stayed soft and comfortable, but that could instantly harden when needed. Such technology may someday be possible, thanks to a new understanding of a tiny animal’s shell.Continue ReadingCategory: Ma… Continue reading Study of tiny seashells may lead to adaptive protective clothing

Worm-inspired robot “senses” its body position to inch its way forward

Scientists pushing the frontiers of soft robotics continue to find inspiration in the animal kingdom, with the latest examples that move like inchworms and earthworms deploying some novel sensor technology. The stretchy new robots make use of flexible … Continue reading Worm-inspired robot “senses” its body position to inch its way forward

New understanding of gecko landing process may lead to nimbler robots

When leaping geckos crash head-first into vertical surfaces such as tree trunks, they’re able to hang onto that surface instead of bouncing off and falling to the ground. Scientists have discovered what allows them to do so, and copied the capability i… Continue reading New understanding of gecko landing process may lead to nimbler robots

Diving beetle inspires a better diagnostic skin patch

When someone is suffering from a skin disease, diagnostic devices are often used to determine what disease it is, and how it’s progressing. A new adhesive skin patch could make doing so quicker and easier than ever – and it’s inspired by a diving beetl… Continue reading Diving beetle inspires a better diagnostic skin patch

Lubricated coating could keep brain implants working longer

While brain-implanted electrodes do show promise for applications such as restoring capabilities to the disabled, they tend to lose their functionality over time. A new coating, however, could allow them to work much longer once implanted.Continue Read… Continue reading Lubricated coating could keep brain implants working longer

Tiny punching “robot” mimics the mechanism of the mantis shrimp

Among other things, the mantis shrimp is known for having the fastest punch of any animal. Harvard scientists have now built a mechanism that simulates that punch, and they believe that it could lead to new capabilities for human technologies.Continue … Continue reading Tiny punching “robot” mimics the mechanism of the mantis shrimp