Fetal oxygen monitor could reduce the rate of unnecessary C-sections

Many readers are likely already familiar with the oximeters that measure blood oxygen levels via the patient’s finger. Well, scientists have now developed a device that works on the same principle, but it can be non-invasively used on unborn fetuses.Co… Continue reading Fetal oxygen monitor could reduce the rate of unnecessary C-sections

Experts slam new study linking baby screen time to autism-like symptoms

A controversial new study is suggesting a link between a baby’s exposure to screens at the age of 12 months and the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)-like symptoms later in childhood. Experts not affiliated with the study have criticized th… Continue reading Experts slam new study linking baby screen time to autism-like symptoms

Wireless sensors to track premature baby health in the developing world

There is a large disparity between the survival rates of prematurely born babies in the developing world and those in the developed world, but scientists at Northwestern University are working on ways to bridge the gap. This has led to the development … Continue reading Wireless sensors to track premature baby health in the developing world

Frequent use of cleaning products linked to asthma risk in children

A newly published longitudinal study out of Canada has found a strong association between frequent use of household cleaning products and an increased risk of children developing asthma in the first three years of life.Continue ReadingCategory: Health … Continue reading Frequent use of cleaning products linked to asthma risk in children

Motion-tracking onesie keeps tabs on babies’ movements

In order to assess an infant’s neurological development, it’s necessary to analyze the manner in which they spontaneously move within a natural environment. A new high-tech jumpsuit could make doing so easier and more accurate than ever before.Continue… Continue reading Motion-tracking onesie keeps tabs on babies’ movements

Peekaboo Moments app left baby videos, photos, and 800,000 users’ email addresses exposed on the internet

The developer of a smartphone app has carelessly left a database accessible to anybody with an internet connection, leaving exposed a database of millions of records containing baby videos and photos, as well as the email addresses of users.
Read more … Continue reading Peekaboo Moments app left baby videos, photos, and 800,000 users’ email addresses exposed on the internet

ESP8266 Sound Machine Soothes Baby Remotely

[Zack] had trouble getting his six-month-old to sleep through the night. That was before he found out about ‘shh’ videos on YouTube. These are exactly what they sound like: eight hours of someone whooshing white noise into a microphone. He set a phone up on a charger in the nursery …read more

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Molecule produced by gut bacteria increases childhood allergy and asthma risk

For several years researchers have suspected a relationship between the gut microbiome and the onset of childhood asthma and allergies. New research, led by scientists from UC San Francisco, is describing for the first time how a specific com… Continue reading Molecule produced by gut bacteria increases childhood allergy and asthma risk