Immune-regulating nanoparticles prevent arthritis in susceptible mice

Autoimmune diseases are a common health problem, and while system-wide immune suppression can help relieve symptoms, this can cause other complications. In a new study, scientists at Scripps Research developed nanoparticles that can selectively target … Continue reading Immune-regulating nanoparticles prevent arthritis in susceptible mice

Engineered protein calms immune cells to prevent autoimmune diseases

Our immune system is the first line of defense against disease, but unfortunately it can go rogue and attack healthy tissues. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University have now engineered a protein that may help prevent these autoimmune diseases by boosti… Continue reading Engineered protein calms immune cells to prevent autoimmune diseases

Engineered protein calms immune cells to prevent autoimmune diseases

Our immune system is the first line of defense against disease, but unfortunately it can go rogue and attack healthy tissues. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University have now engineered a protein that may help prevent these autoimmune diseases by boosti… Continue reading Engineered protein calms immune cells to prevent autoimmune diseases

Engineered protein calms immune cells to prevent autoimmune diseases

Our immune system is the first line of defense against disease, but unfortunately it can go rogue and attack healthy tissues. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University have now engineered a protein that may help prevent these autoimmune diseases by boosti… Continue reading Engineered protein calms immune cells to prevent autoimmune diseases

Five lupus patients enter long-lasting remission after immunotherapy

Scientists in Germany have reported that five patients undergoing an experimental treatment for lupus have all entered remission for up to 17 months. The promising breakthrough came from the use of CAR T cell immunotherapy, an emerging treatment for di… Continue reading Five lupus patients enter long-lasting remission after immunotherapy

Inflammation mediator shows promise as new multiple sclerosis therapy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease that currently has no cure, but scientists may have uncovered a new therapy involving a lipid that regulates inflammation. Tests in mice showed that administering the lipid reduced symptoms and slowed d… Continue reading Inflammation mediator shows promise as new multiple sclerosis therapy

Trial shows arthritis drug restores hair in a third of alopecia patients

In pursuit of a treatment for alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, scientists have found new success by repurposing a common arthritis drug. An impressive portion of trial participants were able to regrow their hair following … Continue reading Trial shows arthritis drug restores hair in a third of alopecia patients

Trial shows arthritis drug restores hair in a third of alopecia patients

In pursuit of a treatment for alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, scientists have found new success by repurposing a common arthritis drug. An impressive portion of trial participants were able to regrow their hair following … Continue reading Trial shows arthritis drug restores hair in a third of alopecia patients

Mouse study suggests viral infections can lead to autoimmune diseases

Evidence is mounting that seemingly innocuous viral infections can in some cases cascade into a range of more serious diseases. In a new study in mice, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have uncovered a mechanism by which a common child… Continue reading Mouse study suggests viral infections can lead to autoimmune diseases