Individual isotopes measured in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

Astronomers have counted the number of neutrons inside carbon atoms from 2.8 quadrillion km away. The team managed to measure the ratios of carbon isotopes in the atmosphere of an exoplanet for the first time, which can tell us about how it formed.Cont… Continue reading Individual isotopes measured in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

Scientists create strange new form of silicon

They don’t call this the Silicon Age for nothing – the element is vital to all of the electronics that our modern world is built on. Now, research led by the Carnegie Institution for Science has developed a way to create a new form of silicon with a un… Continue reading Scientists create strange new form of silicon

Imaging breakthrough highlights atoms in highest resolution ever

Researchers at Cornell University have snapped the clearest images of atoms ever taken. Aided by new noise-reducing algorithms, the images are of such high resolution that, the team says, they almost reach the ultimate limit possible.Continue ReadingCa… Continue reading Imaging breakthrough highlights atoms in highest resolution ever

New Microscope Directly Images Protein Atoms

There’s an old joke that you can’t trust atoms — they make up everything. But until fairly recently, there was no real way to see individual atoms. You could infer things about them using X-ray crystallography or measure their pull on tiny probes using atomic force microscopes, but not take …read more

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Slow-mo video captures motion of single molecules at 1,600 fps

The world of atoms and molecules is tricky to study, not just because it’s so small but because events occur so quickly at that scale. Now, researchers at the University of Tokyo have captured slow motion video of the movements of single molecules at 1… Continue reading Slow-mo video captures motion of single molecules at 1,600 fps

15 trillion quantum entangled atoms make a record-breaking hot mess

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that’s as bizarre as it is fragile. Entangled particles are thought to lose this inexplicable link when exposed to outside factors. But now, physicists have managed to produce hot clouds of trillions of entangled at… Continue reading 15 trillion quantum entangled atoms make a record-breaking hot mess

Atomic experiment to detect dark energy fails to feel the force

The universe is generally believed to be expanding at an accelerating rate, thanks to a mysterious force dubbed dark energy. But how exactly does this force work? Researchers in the UK have conducted an experiment to test a hypothesis that th… Continue reading Atomic experiment to detect dark energy fails to feel the force

World's thinnest gold measures just two atoms thick

Scientists have created the thinnest gold ever, measuring just two atoms thick

Gold is a key element for electronic devices, and since those devices are always shrinking, engineers need to find ways to make smaller components too. On that path, scientists from the University of Leeds have managed to make the thinnest gold ever created, measuring just two atoms thick. That makes it functionally two-dimensional, joining the likes of graphene.

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Category: Materials


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