DNA “time capsule” extracted from 2,900-year-old brick

Time capsules are a fun way to get a glimpse into everyday life in the past, and now scientists have opened one from almost 3,000 years ago. The team successfully extracted DNA from inside an ancient clay brick, revealing a variety of plants from the a… Continue reading DNA “time capsule” extracted from 2,900-year-old brick

The special on the menu tonight: A 2,000-year-old curry

The earliest base for a Southeast Asian curry has been identified on a sandstone slab excavated from the Óc Eo site in Vietnam.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Australian National University, Vietnam, Culture, Fossils, Archeology Continue reading The special on the menu tonight: A 2,000-year-old curry

Giant Ice Age hand-axe unearthed in the UK’s Medway Valley

Researchers from University College London’s Institute of Archaeology have uncovered a cache of 800 stone artefacts dating to more than 300,000 years ago. The find includes one of the largest hand-axes ever unearthed in Britain.Continue ReadingCategory… Continue reading Giant Ice Age hand-axe unearthed in the UK’s Medway Valley

Earliest evidence yet of butchery and cannibalism among ancient humans

Looking for evidence of bite marks that hinted at prehistoric predators hunting our ancient relatives, one researcher has instead found clues to the oldest record of butchering and potential cannibalism instead.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, Scienc… Continue reading Earliest evidence yet of butchery and cannibalism among ancient humans

World’s oldest known blueprints detail to-scale desert megastructures

An ancient megastructure called a

It’s hard to imagine constructing a building without a detailed plan, but when exactly did humans first start doing that? Archeologists have discovered the oldest known blueprints, with a 9,000-year-old rock carving in Jordan depicting a to-scale plan for a nearby megastructure.

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First-ever look inside sealed coffins reveals secrets of lizard mummies

In a thrilling discovery for Egyptologists and ancient history buffs, the contents of six ancient animal sarcophagi have been examined, all without a single scientists opening a coffin lid, thanks to groundbreaking neutron tomography.Continue ReadingCa… Continue reading First-ever look inside sealed coffins reveals secrets of lizard mummies

Ancient skeletons suggest humans were riding horses 5,000 years ago

Archeologists have discovered what may be some of the earliest evidence yet of humans riding horses

Horses were likely the first “vehicle” humans used to travel faster and farther, but when exactly did we start riding them? Scientists at the University of Helsinki have now found archeological evidence that suggests horseback riding started some 5,000 years ago.

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Archeological discovery confirms steel used earlier than first thought

A new archeological discovery has confirmed that tempered steel was used by artisans in the Iberian Peninsula to carve intricate motifs into hard rock stelae during the Final Bronze Age, earlier than previously thought.Continue ReadingCategory: Science… Continue reading Archeological discovery confirms steel used earlier than first thought

Authenticated ancient coins reveal a Roman emperor lost to history

History is full of artifacts that later turn out to be fakes, but very occasionally the opposite can happen. New analysis of ancient Roman coins long dismissed as forgeries has found they appear to be authentic, revealing a previously unknown Roman emp… Continue reading Authenticated ancient coins reveal a Roman emperor lost to history