Population’s antibiotic use can affect individual health, study shows

Antimicrobial resistance, particularly resistance to antibiotics, is a worldwide problem. A new study has, for the first time, shown how the consumption of antibiotics by an entire population can affect an individual’s health.Continue ReadingCategory: … Continue reading Population’s antibiotic use can affect individual health, study shows

Bacteria-activated, self-assembling “nanonets” trap and kill superbugs

Bacteria are fast developing resistance to our best antibiotics, potentially ushering in a new “dark age of medicine” where currently treatable infections become lethal once again. Now, scientists at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have deve… Continue reading Bacteria-activated, self-assembling “nanonets” trap and kill superbugs

Peptide spray kills bacteria in wounds without using antibiotics

It’s always good if the use of antibiotics can be avoided, to keep harmful bacteria from developing a resistance to them. A new wound-treatment spray could help, as it kills bacteria using peptides that occur naturally in our bodies – no antibiotics re… Continue reading Peptide spray kills bacteria in wounds without using antibiotics

Clinical trial shows probiotic could prevent dangerous superbug infection

Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacteria species in humans, but it can turn nasty if it gets into the wrong part of the body. A new clinical trial has shown that a probiotic can be used to selectively cut populations of the bug in humans, reducing th… Continue reading Clinical trial shows probiotic could prevent dangerous superbug infection

First evidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria moving from gut to lungs

A new case study from researchers at Oxford University has tracked, for the first time, the movement of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from a patient’s gut microbiome to their lungs. The research presents the first direct evidence of this transmission p… Continue reading First evidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria moving from gut to lungs

Modified blood cells deliver antibiotics to kill dangerous bacteria

Drugs given to the whole body can be too much of a shotgun approach, damaging cells that aren’t meant to be targeted. A new study has found that cloaking drugs inside red blood cells could help guide powerful but toxic antibiotics to target bacteria.Co… Continue reading Modified blood cells deliver antibiotics to kill dangerous bacteria

Combo therapy clinical trial shows promise against drug-resistant UTIs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and treatable, but there can be complications, especially when the bacteria become drug resistant. Now, a new drug combo has shown promise in a Phase 3 clinical trial.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, Science… Continue reading Combo therapy clinical trial shows promise against drug-resistant UTIs

Potent antibiotic bone cement ups the ante against staph infection

Procedures such as knee and hip replacements can expose patients to potential bacterial infections, and bone cements are one way physicians can lower the risk. These materials anchor the artificial joint in place and, if loaded with antibiotics, can pr… Continue reading Potent antibiotic bone cement ups the ante against staph infection

First known RNA-targeting toxin launches “total assault” to kill bacteria

Scientists at McMaster University have identified a toxin used by bacteria to kill other bacteria through a never-before-seen mechanism. The toxin is the first found to directly target RNA molecules in what the team describes as “a total assault on the… Continue reading First known RNA-targeting toxin launches “total assault” to kill bacteria

New antibiotic molecule kills dozens of the toughest types of superbugs

Bacteria are fast developing resistance to our best drugs, leaving us poised on the edge of a major health crisis. But a new antibiotic has shown promise against several key “superbugs,” while minimizing damage against good bacteria in the body.Continu… Continue reading New antibiotic molecule kills dozens of the toughest types of superbugs