World’s most powerful MRI machine captures first stunning brain scans

An image of a human brain captured with the new Iseult MRI machine at a power of 11.7 Teslas, showing the level of detail possible

The world’s most powerful MRI machine has started proving its worth, by scanning living human brains. The resulting images give an ultra high resolution glimpse into the brain, which will help us better understand the nature of consciousness and treat neurodegenerative diseases.

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Younger generations have bigger brains – and it’s impacting dementia

Brains are larger than they were in the 1930s

Bigger brains suggest better brain health and cognitive function. And since the 1930s, our brains have been growing in size. Now, a new study shows how this is affecting our risk of developing dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease.

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Beyond plaques: New Alzheimer’s treatment pathway discovered

New pathways to combating and treating Alzheimer's disease are emerging as researchers look for mechanisms beyond brain plaques

Researchers have discovered that limiting a certain enzyme can have a dramatic impact in protecting against the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. The finding could lead to a new class of drugs that fight the disease.

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Keto diet could delay pre-Alzheimer’s memory decline

Eating a keto diet significantly delayed the onset of mild cognitive impairment

Eating a keto diet prevented the mild cognitive impairment that’s often seen in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease by altering the way brain cells connect and communicate, new research has found. The researchers suggest that adopting the diet may be a way of delaying the onset of full-blown Alzheimer’s.

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Microbes stomp daffodils in creating valuable anti-Alzheimer’s drug

A microbial fermentation process proved better than daffodil extract at creating an important anti-dementia drug

Using an AI-based approach, researchers found a better way to create the drug galantamine, commonly prescribed to people suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The fermentation-based technique could boost the drug’s availability.

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Chemotherapy brain fog cleared with simple light and sound treatment

MIT scientists have shown in mice that a simple light and sound exposure therapy can reduce symptoms of 'chemo brain,' the cognitive issues that arise during chemotherapy

If you or someone you know has gone through chemotherapy, you might be familiar with the side effect commonly called ‘chemo brain.’ Scientists have now demonstrated a simple way to protect brain cells from damage using flashing lights and sounds at a certain frequency.

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Magnetite pollution is damaging our brains and causing Alzheimer’s

A little-known and hard-to-filter pollutant has been linked to elevated Alzheimer's risk. The only solution may be decarbonization

Air pollution in urban environments has long been associated with poor health. Breast cancer, immune dysfunction, osteoporosis, heart problems and dementia have all been linked to air pollution, however, understanding exactly how poor air quality is explicitly causing disease has been a challenge for researchers.

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Kundalini yoga provides unique brain benefits, finds UCLA study

Kundalini yoga has numerous brain health benefits, according to new research

A 12-week Kundalini yoga course provided test subjects a range of measurable brain benefits including improved memory, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects, according to new research from UCLA, suggesting it could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

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Men on Viagra found to have 18% lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists found a surprising link between erectile dysfunction medication use and Alzheimer's risk

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors such as Viagra are, of course, best known for effectively treating erectile dysfunction, but a study of nearly 270,000 men has added to the growing body of evidence that they may also lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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GLP-1 weight-loss drugs may pivot to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Scientists are still discovering the potential medical 'superpowers' of GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs

In yet another surprise attribute of the new class of obesity drugs, scientists have found that GLP-1 receptor agonists can also subdue brain inflammation, giving them a potential ‘superpower’ in the fight against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

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