Why do I care about someone else’s data breach?

As the size of your organization increases, the probability that an individual employee’s company email is in that breach rises to 1. So how do you go about plugging leaks? A three-point strategy can get you started.



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How do I get my employees to stop clicking on everything?

If you’ve been given responsibility for network security in a non-technical area of the business, there’s one eternal question that has been bedeviling. How do you get your employees to stop clicking on everything?



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How do I get my employees to stop clicking on everything?

If you’ve been given responsibility for network security in a non-technical area of the business, there’s one eternal question that has been bedeviling. How do you get your employees to stop clicking on everything?



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Understanding the basics of Two-Factor Authentication

With data breaches resulting in leaked passwords occurring almost daily, two-factor authentication has become an essential tool in the security toolkit.Categories: 101
FYITags: 2faauthenticationmfaMulti-Factor AuthorizationpasswordsPieter Arntzssotoke… Continue reading Understanding the basics of Two-Factor Authentication

Configuring the Windows firewall

While the built-in Windows firewall may offer adequate protection, this is only true if you check the settings on a regular basis, and certainly immediately after removing an infection.Categories: 101
How-tosTags: allowed programsfrstmalwarenetshPiete… Continue reading Configuring the Windows firewall

Anti-Bullying Week: Of weasels, snakes, and queen bees

The working class adults in an office setup are probably the least likely batch we’d think of when we’re talking about bullying. However, it happens on a daily basis across a number industries. For those who have witnessed bullying episodes in the office or who knows someone who bullies or is being bullied, adult bullying for them is not aware and not an uncommon occurrence.



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