What is cryptocurrency and why do cybercriminals love it?

Ever stumble into a conversation about Bitcoin and wonder, “What is cryptocurrency, anyway?” Read on to learn how it works and why cybercriminals love it.


Tags: bitcoinblockchaincoinhivecrypto minerscryptocurrency

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Know your threats: the nine scariest malware monsters

It’s been a particularly ghoulish year in cybersecurity, from Russian hacks to ransomware outbreaks. The bad boogey man in the black hoodie has been pulling one over the collective public. It’s dark and creepy, but users refuse to stop peeking behind the door. It’s enough to make even the most grizzled IT admin run for…



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The post Know your threats: the nine scariest malware monsters appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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When cybersecurity isn’t all cyber: What does it really take to work in cybersecurity?

Although lucrative and future-proof, being part of the cybersecurity workforce doesn’t just require one to be knowledgeable about code, network topologies, or social engineering tactics. People are still the most critical part of a business’s security process.



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The post When cybersecurity isn’t all cyber: What does it really take to work in cybersecurity? appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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How to create an intentional culture of security

A culture of security in the workplace has always existed; it just may be unrecognized, weak, or inconsistent. How can businesses get employees to accept and champion an intentional culture of security? And why should they? We’ll show you how.



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The post How to create an intentional culture of security appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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Google reminds website owners to move to HTTPS before October deadline

To encourage website owners and service providers to move to HTTPS, Google began sending out emails to remind them that their sites will be marked as insecure if they don’t comply. This is the latest step in the search giant’s long-term effort of crea… Continue reading Google reminds website owners to move to HTTPS before October deadline

Facebook worries: I didn’t post that

What could have happened when you find Facebook posts or messages that you didn’t post or send? And what are the actions you can take to prevent further abuse?



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Back to school cybersecurity tips for parents and kids

When you buy your child new devices, it’s important to lay down some ground rules—especially when it comes to security. That’s why we’re providing you with a cybersecurity checklist you can use to prepare your children for the coming school year.



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Learning PowerShell: some basic commands

We are going to construct some basic Powershell commands and explain how they work just to show you how useful Powershell can be. For good and for bad.
Tags: certificatescommandsPieter ArntzpowershelltrojanVonteera

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Today is System Administrator Appreciation Day

It’s the last Friday of July, and today—more than any day—is the perfect day to recognize and express our gratitude to the mighty men and women who make our work life in the office a little more manageable if not totally stress-free, technology- and IT concerns-wise.



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