Google to Fully Distrust WoSign/StartCom SSL Certs in Chrome 61

Google has put websites signed with WoSign/StartCom SSL certificates on notice that it will no longer trust certs from the Chinese CA starting in Chrome 61. Continue reading Google to Fully Distrust WoSign/StartCom SSL Certs in Chrome 61

Google Chrome Bans Chinese SSL Certificate Authorities WoSign and StartCom

As a punishment announced last October, Google will no longer trust SSL/TLS certificate authorities WoSign and its subsidiary StartCom with the launch of Chrome 61 for not maintaining the “high standards expected of CAs.”

The move came after Google wa… Continue reading Google Chrome Bans Chinese SSL Certificate Authorities WoSign and StartCom

Chinese Certificate Authority ‘mistakenly’ gave out SSL Certs for GitHub Domains

A Chinese certificate authority (CA) appeared to be making a significant security blunder by handing out duplicate SSL certificates for a base domain if someone just has control over its any subdomain.

The certificate authority, named WoSign, issued … Continue reading Chinese Certificate Authority ‘mistakenly’ gave out SSL Certs for GitHub Domains