Hackaday Links: August 11, 2024

“Please say it wasn’t a regex, please say it wasn’t a regex; aww, crap, it was a regex!” That seems to be the conclusion now that Crowdstrike has released a …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: August 11, 2024
Collaborate Disseminate
“Please say it wasn’t a regex, please say it wasn’t a regex; aww, crap, it was a regex!” That seems to be the conclusion now that Crowdstrike has released a …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: August 11, 2024
I wanted to secure my apps running in a private subnet with SSL. Albeit not necessary, it is very nice to have.
Because of my constant changes, I opted for a wildcard ssl certificate through my DNS provider Cloudflare by providing Nginx Pr… Continue reading How did I obtain a wildcard SSL certificate without port 80 opened for a challenge?
Does the CORS asteriks / wildcard (*) include both encrypted (https) and unencrypted origins (http)? And is the null origin (i.e., when a local file is doing a xmlhttprequest, or within an iframe with sandbox attribute) regarded as http?
… Continue reading Does the CORS asteriks / wildcard include both encrypted and unencrypted origins?
We’re in the endgame now — there’s just about a month to go before the final judging will take place for the 2023 Hackaday Prize, which means all of our …read more Continue reading Hackaday Prize 2023: The Wildcard Finalists are Here
A website allocates random file names to uploads and I am trying to enumerate through the folder that the files are uploaded to using Gobuster.
I know the extension of my file type, but not the file name. Is there a way to invoke the -x fl… Continue reading How to search for any file with a specified extension using Gobuster
Many new TLDs have mandatory HTTPS requirements. Is there a way to disable that for subdomains? If not does that mean an expensive wildcard SSL certificate will need to be used with these domains?
So if I have a service running at sub.doma… Continue reading Do subdomains of a TLD with mandatory HTTPS require a wildcard certificate?
I want to generate PFX file for my Wild Card SSL Certificate. I am using below mentioned command to generate the same however getting error message:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out ./star_domain_com.pfx -inkey ./star.domain.com_CSR_Private_Key… Continue reading How to generate PFX file for Wild Card SSL Certificate using Openssl Command in Linux
The Wildcard Round is the wildest round, and the 2022 Hackaday Prize had a slew of great entries. We’ve winnowed the wildcards down to a large handful, and we’re happy …read more Continue reading 2022 Hackaday Prize: Congratulations, Wildcard Winners!
I want to search for words starting with a specific letter in the same order.
Is there any operator in google dorks through which I can apply wild operations on letters instead of words?
Basic query for wild operations on words is… Continue reading Searching words starting with a specific letter in google dorks? [closed]
(This has been marked a duplicate of SSL Cert for sub.domain.com and www.sub.domain.com, but while it’s correct that the answer to this question is present in the answers there, that question is distinctly different and people looking for … Continue reading Should a wildcard cert. e.g. *.example.com, be accepted to authenticate the root domain not listed as SAN? [duplicate]