WASM-4: Retro Game Dev Right in Your Browser

Pixel mashup with Wasm-4 logo and retro graphics

Have you ever dreamt of developing games that run on practically anything, from a modern browser to a microcontroller? Enter WASM-4, a minimalist fantasy console where constraints spark creativity. Unlike …read more Continue reading WASM-4: Retro Game Dev Right in Your Browser

Firefox Patches Critical Mystery Bug, Also Impacting Google Chrome

Mozilla Foundation releases Firefox 84 browser, fixing several flaws and delivering performance gains and Apple processor support. Continue reading Firefox Patches Critical Mystery Bug, Also Impacting Google Chrome

Breadboard Computer Plays Snake on Character Display; Also In A Browser!

If building a homebrew computer on a breadboard is your thing, you’re most certainly familiar with [Ben Eater], whose design of using nothing but logic gates has served as inspiration for many replicas over the years. [visrealm] took the concept and expanded upon it, even adding a 16×2 LCD that …read more

Continue reading Breadboard Computer Plays Snake on Character Display; Also In A Browser!

Symbolically Executing WebAssembly in Manticore

With the release of Manticore 0.3.3, we’re proud to announce support for symbolically executing WebAssembly (WASM) binaries. WASM is a newly standardized programming language that allows web developers to run code with near-native performance dir… Continue reading Symbolically Executing WebAssembly in Manticore