Tackling Video Piracy Head-On

We are clearly in a "new" golden age of TV. Audiences around the world have never had so many viewing options available. This has led to a creative surge in new groundbreaking storytelling and entertainment as both broadcasters and digital giants try to maintain the loyalty of their viewers. This is a double-edged sword however, because as the production of great content increases, so do the opportunities for video pirates. Akamai has, perhaps unsurprisingly, identified a dramatic rise in illegal pirate services that offer access to TV and movies and a corresponding rise in viewers who watch their content. While piracy has been prevalent for many years, improvements in digital technology and the lack of adequate global rights protection mean piracy is now a scaled and often lucrative business. Any industry would struggle to survive with "product shrinkage" caused by video pirates, which accordingly has the potential to impact the long-term viability of many businesses in the media value chain. Continue reading Tackling Video Piracy Head-On