Hacker used picture upload to get PHP code into my site

I’m working on a website — right now it’s in early stages of testing, not yet launched and just has test data – thank goodness.

First of all, a hacker figured out the password to log onto the websites ‘administration’ pages*. I think they used a key logger on a friend’s computer who logged into the site to give me feedback.

Secondly, they used a picture upload box to upload a PHP file. I have put in strict checking so that only .jpg and .png files are accepted — everything else should have been rejected. Surely there is no way to upload a .jpg file and then change the extension once the file is stored?

Thankfully I also generate new file names when a file is sent to me, so I don’t think they were able to locate the file to execute the code.

I just can’t seem to figure out how the website let a PHP file through. What’s wrong with my security? The validation function code is below:

function ValidateChange_Logo(theForm)
   var regexp;
   if (theForm.FileUpload1.value == "")
      alert("You have not chosen a new logo file, or your file is not supported.");
      return false;
   var extension = theForm.FileUpload1.value.substr(theForm.FileUpload1.value.lastIndexOf('.'));
   if ((extension.toLowerCase() != ".jpg") &&
       (extension.toLowerCase() != ".png"))
      alert("You have not chosen a new logo file, or your file is not supported.");
      return false;
   return true;

Once the file gets to the server, I use the following code to retain the extension, and generate a new random name. It is a bit messy, but it works well.

// Process and Retain File Extension
$fileExt = $_FILES[logo][name];
$reversed = strrev($fileExt);
$extension0 = substr($reversed, 0, 1);
$extension1 = substr($reversed, 1, 1);
$extension2 = substr($reversed, 2, 1);
$fileExtension = ".".$extension2.$extension1.$extension0;
$newName = rand(1000000, 9999999) . $fileExtension;

I’ve just tested with a name such as logo.php;.jpg and although the picture cannot be opened by the website, it correctly changed the name to 123456.jpg. As for logo.php/.jpg, Windows doesn’t allow such a file name.

* Protected pages on the website that allow simple functions: like uploading a picture that then becomes a new logo for the website. FTP details are completely different to the password used to log onto the protected pages on the website. As are database and cPanel credentials. I’ve ensured that people can’t even view the folder and file structure of the site. There is literally no way I can think of to rename a .jpg, or .png extension to .php on this site if you don’t have FTP details.

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