Can experience be a hindrance in making security decisions?

Some interesting insight from the Harvard Business Review’s January 2020 IdeaWatch section: A study looked at how people react to information which indicates that a…
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Security awareness materials you can use – “Why we fall for cons”

One of my favorite parts of my job as a CSO is building security awareness amongst my colleagues. I really believe that the time put…
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Orvis data leak and the need to monitor ‘paste’ sites

Fishing retailer Orvis had a serious (and embarrassing) data breach recently. Independent security researchers found a posting on text snippet site Pastebin with what appeared…
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US DoJ guidance on responding to and reporting cyber incidents

When thinking about how to respond to cyber security incidents, you need to think about how your organization will engage with law enforcement – and…
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NIST & Microsoft partner for patching pointers

The US Government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology and 8,000,000 pound gorilla Microsoft are working together to provide industry with definitive guidance on keeping…
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