Upskill launches support for Microsoft HoloLens

Upskill has been working on a platform to support augmented and mixed reality for almost as long as most people have been aware of the concept. It began developing an agnostic AR/MR platform way back in 2010. Google Glass didn’t even appear until two years later. Today, the company announced the early release of Skylight […] Continue reading Upskill launches support for Microsoft HoloLens

Upskill Skylight update aimed at bringing augmented reality to mainstream

 Upskill wants to be the development platform for your smart glasses, regardless of the brand. This agnostic approach is fairly unusual for companies building augmented reality applications and it provides enterprises with a neutral way to build t… Continue reading Upskill Skylight update aimed at bringing augmented reality to mainstream

How augmented reality could save tech from itself

 Indeed, as technology marches relentlessly forward, it feels like many of today’s positions could soon be displaced. But just as with past technological inflection points — whether the steam engine, the telegraph, the computer or even industrial robots — technology will always give as much as it takes, as it always has. That matters little to people who have lost their… Read More Continue reading How augmented reality could save tech from itself