The Mystery Of A Particular ATtiny85 Fuse

First-timers playing with 8-bit micros such as the AVR and PIC will at some point in their lives, find themselves locked out of their MCUs. This is usually attributed to badly configured fuses that disable certain IO functions rending the device unprogrammable via conventional ICSP methods. [Uri Shaked] shares his …read more

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FBI Taps Apple to Unlock Pensacola Shooter’s iPhone

It’s unclear yet whether the Cupertino giant will assist, given past history of court battles over such incidents. Continue reading FBI Taps Apple to Unlock Pensacola Shooter’s iPhone

Unlocking SIM Cards with a Logic Analyzer

[Jason Gin] wanted to reuse the SIM card that came with a ZTE WF721 wireless terminal he got from AT&T, but as he expected, it was locked to the device. Unfortunately, the terminal has no function to change the PIN and none of the defaults he tried seemed to work. …read more

Continue reading Unlocking SIM Cards with a Logic Analyzer

Woman ordered to type in iPhone passcode so police can search device

It’s not a violation of her Fifth Amendment rights, the court said, because it’s a “foregone conclusion” that she knows her phone passcode. Continue reading Woman ordered to type in iPhone passcode so police can search device