FIDO2 Yubikey, systemd-cryptenroll Options – Differences of –fido2-with-client-pin –fido2-with-user-presence –fido2-with-user-verification

I added a FIDO2 token to my encrypted root parition with
systemd-cryptenroll <DISK>
–fido2-with-client-pin=true \
–fido2-with-user-presence \

The tool has three option for configuring what I need to unlo… Continue reading FIDO2 Yubikey, systemd-cryptenroll Options – Differences of –fido2-with-client-pin –fido2-with-user-presence –fido2-with-user-verification

google-chrome.desktop:] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive

Why am I seeing this message in my journalctl messages on Ubuntu?
google-chrome.desktop[7412]: [7405:7405:0127/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive: object_path= /org/freede… Continue reading google-chrome.desktop:] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive

Rsync vulnerabilities allow remote code execution on servers, patch quickly!

Six vulnerabilities have been fixed in the newest versions of Rsync (v3.4.0), two of which could be exploited by a malicious client to achieve arbitrary code execution on a machine with a running Rsync server. “The client requires only anonymous … Continue reading Rsync vulnerabilities allow remote code execution on servers, patch quickly!

Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole brings tighter security controls

Canonical released Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole, which brings notable advancements, including an updated kernel, new toolchains, and the GNOME 47 desktop environment, along with significant enhancements in software security. “Oracular Oriole sets a new… Continue reading Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole brings tighter security controls