I want to pivot with DNScat2
I want to pivot with DNScat2, but I can’t find the "listen" command. I try to use the -h flag and I get an error. Please help.
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I want to pivot with DNScat2, but I can’t find the "listen" command. I try to use the -h flag and I get an error. Please help.
I want to pivot with DNScat2, but I can’t find the "listen" command. I try to use the -h flag and I get an error. Please help.
I want to have a server where I can connect many computers and open reverse tunnels, and then when I want to connect to those tunnels, I will SSH into the server and forward my local connection to it, therefore not exposing the reverse tun… Continue reading Is it a good idea to run openssh-server into a docker container?
This is a follow up on When I use SSH tunneling, can I assume that the server does not need to be trusted?
When I am using an intermediate server I to connect to my endpoints via SSH tunnels, is it better if I don’t leave their ports open … Continue reading Is it better to leave my SSH reverse tunnels exposed on a server, or expose them through tcp forwarding?
I have just read RFC2228 and clients like Filezilla still seem to support it.
Te RFC says
The following new optional commands are introduced in this
AUTH (Authentication/Security Mechanism),
So now i am confu… Continue reading Relevance of RFC2228
I am wondering if there is a practical way to establish a secure, encrypted network connection through an MITM proxy given the ability to communicate secrets out-of-band with a second, external proxy. Let’s say the MITM is part of a corpo… Continue reading securely tunneling through a MITM proxy
In an IPsec Secure gateway setup, why is tunnel-mode used when an external laptop wants to access an internal service protected by a firewall? Is tunnel-mode necessary or could transport-mode be used instead? Why can’t a gateway perform ac… Continue reading Why does IPsec use tunnel-mode for an external laptop? Could transport-mode be used? Why can’t a gateway control access in transport-mode?
I have a server running multiple docker containers, accessible through tunneling.
I want to create a new tunnel that is separate from the one I already have. Will the new tunnel service interfere or expose the other containers running unde… Continue reading 2 network tunnels from 2 providers to 1 machine running docker, will this expose all containers on both tunnels?
In a CTF, I want to attack a Bluekeep vulnerable machine over the internet using metasploit, but the problem is my Kali machine (attacker) is not exposed to the internet, so the vulnerable machine cannot send me back a reverse shell.
So I … Continue reading Pivoting over internet [closed]
I won’t lie, I am not a security expert and I am likely one of them guys in them companies whom working life proficiency is to slowly become little annoying. I work for a company complying with PCI DSS standard and the company slowly start… Continue reading PCI DSS 4.0 – Are SSH tunnels and gateways doomed?