‘Guitar capo 2.0’ gives you five different note options per string

The humble capo has graced the gig bags of performing musicians for decades, clamping down to change the overall key of a guitar in a single, swift motion. Now, a new take on the capo opens up whole new musical worlds of alternate tunings.Continue Read… Continue reading ‘Guitar capo 2.0’ gives you five different note options per string

Brabus “Superwhite” G pickup might be 2022’s most illogical auto

Brabus has been known for concocting some over-the-top vehicles — in fact, it’s not really known for much of anything else. This time, it positively outdoes itself, though, debuting the all-new 800 Adventure XLP Superwhite. What was once an innocent-en… Continue reading Brabus “Superwhite” G pickup might be 2022’s most illogical auto

What to do with Your Brand New Ultrasonic Transducer

We wager you haven’t you heard the latest from ultrasonics. Sorry. [Lindsay Wilson] is a Hackaday reader who wants to share his knowledge of transducer tuning to make tools. The bare unit he uses to demonstrate might attach to the bottom of an ultrasonic cleaner tank, which have a different construction than the ones used for distance sensing. The first demonstration shows the technique for finding a transducer’s resonant frequency and this technique is used throughout the video. On the YouTube page, his demonstrations are indexed by title and time for convenience.

For us, the most exciting part is when …read more

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Clever Approach to Stylus Alignment

Digitally stored music is just data. But not long ago, music was analog and required machines with moving parts. If you have never owned a record player, you at least know what they look like, now that there’s a(nother) vinyl revival. What you may not be aware of is that the player’s stylus needs to be aligned. It makes sense, that hypersensitive needle can’t be expected to perform well if it’s tearing across a record like a drift racer.

There are professional tools for ensuring alignment, but it’s not something you’ll need each day. [Ali Naci Erdem] shows us his …read more

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Repaired Manned Multicopter Flies without Horrifying Crash

[amazingdiyprojects] has been making lots of test flights in his crazy eight propeller gasoline powered danger bucket.

We last covered the project when he had, unfortunately, wrecked the thing in a remote-controlled test flight.  He later discovered that the motor’s crankshaft bearings had, well, exploded. The resulting shrapnel destroyed the motor and crashed the drone. He described this failure mode as “concerning”.

Also concerning is the act of stepping into the seat once all the propellers are started up. He tags this as “watch your step or die”. Regardless, he also describes flying in the thing as so incredibly fun …read more

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