Ball Nut Modification Charts a Middle Course Between Building and Buying

A lot of the projects we feature here on Hackaday engender the classic “build versus buy” argument. We’ve always been puzzled by that; if anyone can appreciate the sheer joy …read more Continue reading Ball Nut Modification Charts a Middle Course Between Building and Buying

Crawler Challenge: Building Rope-Traversing Robots

students overlooking their rope-traversing robots

Rope-climbing robots are the stuff of engineering dreams. As kids, didn’t we all clutter our family home with constructions of towers and strings – Meccano, or Lego – to have …read more Continue reading Crawler Challenge: Building Rope-Traversing Robots

Rudolph’s Sleigh on a North Pole PCB

pcb with santa sleigh racing circuit

Each Christmas, [Adam Anderson], [Daniel Quach], and [Johan Wheeler] (meanwhile going by ‘the Janky Jingle Crew’)—set themselves the challenge of outdoing their previous creations. Last year’s CH32 Fireplace brought an …read more Continue reading Rudolph’s Sleigh on a North Pole PCB