[Ben Eater]’s Breadboarding Tips

A solderless breadboard is a place where ideas go to become real for the first time. Usually, this is a somewhat messy affair, with random jumpers flying all about the place, connecting components that can be quickly swapped to zero in on the right values, or to quickly change the …read more

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Railroad Rail Transformed into Blacksmith’s Anvil with the Simplest of Tools

One of the biggest challenges facing the aspiring blacksmith is procuring the tools of the trade. And that means tackling the unenviable task of finding a decent anvil. Sure, one can buy an ASO — anvil-shaped object — at Harbor Freight, but a real anvil is much harder to come …read more

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Building a Workshop Crane From Scratch

Buying tools is all well and good, but it doesn’t suit the ethos of Youtube channel [Workshop From Scratch]. Building what you need is much more the go, and that’s demonstrated ably with this home-built electric workshop crane.

The crane is put together in a straightforward manner using basic steelworking …read more

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Ask Hackaday: What Tools Do You Really Need For A Life On The Road?

How do you dispose of an old hard drive? Inventive stories about heat and flame or industrial shredders will no doubt appear in the comments, but for me I just dismantle them and throw the various parts into the relevant scrap bins at my hackerspace. The magnets end up stuck …read more

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Wolf Tooth’s 8-Bit Pack Pliers have 16 other tricks up their sleeve

As the lycra and carbon fiber frames might suggest, space and weight are key concerns for cycling enthusiasts, and that extends to the gear they carry for on-the-spot repairs. The latest offering from purveyor of cycling parts Wolf Tooth is one that mi… Continue reading Wolf Tooth’s 8-Bit Pack Pliers have 16 other tricks up their sleeve